Bathing kittens: how and when is the best time to do it

Most cats avoid water treatments. However, this is one of the important components of hygiene. How correctly a kitten is bathed for the first time determines its attitude towards water for many years. Therefore, it is necessary to approach this event responsibly: choose a suitable detergent, study the advice of felinologists and, of course, be patient.

Why do you need to wash domestic cats?

Most cat owners prefer to wash them extremely rarely. Some are generally convinced that domestic animals should not need water treatments, since in the wild they cope without them.

Cats themselves are washers. This feature is embedded in their DNA. All types of cats have special bristles on their tongues that remove any dirt in a matter of minutes.

Due to the nature of their environment, domestic animals have weaker immunity. Because of this, any harmful bacteria that enters their body can cause serious consequences. Street cats eat everything that comes their way, which is why they harden over the years. From this we can conclude that pets should still be bathed periodically.

During the molting period, it is especially important to bathe cats, since all the hair gets into the gastrointestinal tract, which is fraught with consequences. There are also all kinds of force majeure, in which an animal could accidentally get dirty with a substance harmful to it. Because of this, the cat may accidentally swallow something potentially dangerous.

Pet owners often have questions about how to wash their cat if there is no special shampoo. You can find the answer to this in our article, in which we will talk about the intricacies of water procedures for pets.

Regularity of bath procedures for cats

Among those who have recently got a pet, the question “how often can you wash a cat” is very relevant.

As practice shows, experienced cat owners sometimes don’t know how often they should carry out water treatments so as not to worry about the comfort and health of their pet.

Most cats hate bathing, and their owners simply don’t want to torment their little friends again.

Healthy animals maintain their cleanliness with the help of their paws and tongue, so cats are usually washed infrequently , only when they become dirty, if their fur becomes matted, or in case of fleas and other parasites. You can wash your cat with shampoo frequently during periods of heavy shedding.

It’s a completely different matter when it comes to pets participating in competitions and exhibitions. Such animals require completely different care, and they have to endure washing before each such event.

How to properly wash your pets

How often can you shampoo your pet?

Regular domestic cats can be bathed approximately two or three times a year . The only exceptions are hairless pets, for whom bathing should be weekly.

To carry out water procedures, it is best to purchase special detergents that are easy to get at any pet store.

There is a risk of harming the animal's fur and skin if you bathe it with human hygiene products.

The ideal remedy is one that:

  • does not irritate animal skin
  • does not cause allergic reactions
  • does not force the cat owner to constantly think about whether it is possible to wash the cat often, since it will cope with the task of removing dirt the first time and for a long time

When the problem of parasites arises, the owners of our smaller furry brothers fall into panic because they do not know how often they can wash their cat with flea shampoo. Usually these products are very gentle and do not cause any adverse reactions. But it is still not recommended to use them often.

If the entire process of bathing with flea shampoo was carried out in accordance with the recommendations indicated on the package, but did not bring the expected result, then the entire procedure can be repeated again.

If repeated use does not get rid of the problem, then it is better to use another method to eliminate fleas, after consulting with a veterinarian.


When to bathe a cat?

It is worth noting that the procedure for putting a cat in order differs from water manipulations carried out with dogs. This is due to the fact that they have different coats, as well as different walking procedures and mechanisms. If a dog walks outside several times a day, many cats spend almost most of their time at home. If your pet is like this, then there is no point in bathing it very often. When is it necessary to bathe cats?

Indications for swimming:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the smell. If it is strong, the cat is in heat, or the cat at home often marks the territory, then we advise you to bathe your pet in this case.
  • If you notice parasites on the surface of the fur. That is, the cat has fleas.
  • And the third option is preventive. That is, from time to time, even if your cat does not walk outside, he needs to be washed.

Bathing a cat
Bathing a cat

What factors determine the frequency of bathing?

How often to wash a cat, each owner decides for himself, based on his own experience. The decision is made taking into account several factors:

  • pet's age;
  • breed;
  • health status;
  • Lifestyle.

In any case, we must remember that frequent washing will not be beneficial, since, firstly, it greatly irritates the pet, and, secondly, it can negatively affect the condition of the skin.


In the first months of life, the kittens are looked after by the mother, so there is no need to wash them. Until the age of three months, babies’ immunity is not yet strong, so bathing can cause hypothermia and, as a result, a cold. In addition, after washing with shampoo, the cat may not recognize the kitten by its smell and will refuse to feed it. It is acceptable to bathe a kitten for the first time after its baby teeth fall out. This usually occurs at the age of 3-4 months.

Adult animals are washed 2 to 6 times a year. Active cats, like pets who walk outside, can and should be bathed more often than calm couch potatoes, as well as older cats.


The frequency of water procedures depends on the breed of animals. Long-haired cats are washed more often (about once every 2-3 months) than short-haired cats (every 5-6 months). And breeds of hairless cats do not need to be washed at all, but wiped with a damp towel from time to time. True, most often representatives of hairless breeds, for example, Sphynxes, just love water and take a bath with pleasure.

The frequency of washing also depends on the color of the pet. Light-colored cats need to be bathed more often than dark-colored cats.


Some diseases are accompanied by itching, which can be reduced, including with the help of a special shampoo. Hormonal imbalances and certain pathologies of internal organs cause hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, which causes the release of an excessive amount of secretion, clogging the pores and causing hair to stick together and the appearance of tangles. You can relieve itching and at the same time tidy up the fur by washing cats with medicated shampoos that regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Place of residence

Domestic cats that do not leave the apartment are washed less frequently than pets that spend a lot of time outside. But this division is very relative.

The easiest way to determine the need for bathing is to look at the cat. An unpleasant odor emanating from shiny, sticky fur or visible dirt are clear signs that it’s time for your pet to take a bath.


Cat pregnancy

Any stress is undesirable for a pregnant cat, so washing is permissible only in exceptional cases, for example, if it is infected with parasites or is heavily soiled.

A pregnant cat should be bathed as quickly as possible and very carefully so as not to harm the future offspring.

How often should I bathe?

According to the standards set by experts, pets need to be bathed three or four times a year. If the animal is often taken outside, the frequency of water procedures should be doubled. It’s also worth washing your cat’s or dog’s paws every time after a walk.

You should not arrange water procedures very often. Especially if you don’t have special detergents, and you don’t know how to wash your cat if you don’t have a special shampoo. Due to the fact that there are fewer and fewer bacteria on the animal's body, its immune system gradually weakens. Natural protection disappears, as a result of which the cat may develop health problems.

Despite the recommended frequency of bathing cats, it is better to do it as rarely as possible. If the animal already has a not entirely pleasant odor, you can carry out water procedures. It is best to focus on a balanced diet for your pet, which will enable the body to fight any infections.

Step-by-step procedure for bathing a kitten

The water procedure must be made as comfortable as possible, because the kitten can be very frightened and in the future the bath will be associated with stress in the animal.

  1. Step 1. Choose a bathing container: basin, sink, bathtub. The most important thing is that the surface should not be slippery. You can lay a towel or rubber mat.
  2. Water level. The water should reach the neck, covering the entire body of the animal.
  3. Comfortable water temperature – up to 40°C.
  4. Do not make sudden movements or make loud noises.
  5. Observe the animal’s condition: does the kitten have stress or severe anxiety?
  6. The room should not be drafty or too hot.
  7. Step 2. Wet the animal's body, then distribute the shampoo evenly, rubbing in with gentle massage movements. If possible, allow the animal to soak in the shampoo for a few minutes.
  8. Don't forget to wash the areas at the top of the tail, under the tail, behind the ears, and paws.
  9. Step 3. It is better to rinse off under low pressure of water. Strong jets can frighten a kitten.
  10. Step 4. It is better to wet the muzzle with your hands or a sponge.
  11. Avoid contact of detergents with eyes, ears and mouth. Water getting into the ears can lead to otitis media.

    REFERENCE . Otitis is an inflammation of the external auditory canal. Due to excessive moisture, bacteria or fungi begin to multiply in the ear. After bathing, the ears can be cleaned with veterinary lotion, thereby removing excess moisture, if any.

  12. Step 5. After bathing the kitten, dry it thoroughly with a towel and wrap it in another dry towel. Gradually get used to blow-drying: from the tail, gradually reaching the neck and muzzle.
  13. Step 6. During the drying process, you need to comb the wool. If there is a tangle, carefully cut it off with scissors.
  14. Make sure all shampoo or conditioner has been removed from the surface of the animal's body.

    ATTENTION . The drug remaining on the skin after swimming can cause poisoning.

Video on how to bathe a kitten and dry it after bathing:

Use of special devices

Pet stores sell mesh bags for bathing cats.
The animal is placed in this bag, the headband is fastened around the pet's neck. The device will help pacify your pet: he will not scratch or try to get out of the water.

Large mesh cells do not prevent the penetration of water and detergents into the wool, and bathing will take place without problems. The owner will have both hands free, he can easily soap the pet and rinse off the detergent.

How many times should cats be bathed and is it possible to do it every month?

The expressions “afraid of water like a cat”, “a cat washes itself with its tongue”, “a cat cannot be bathed” are familiar to everyone since childhood. But there is some misinformation in this. Felines also periodically need water treatments. “How often can you wash a cat?” – an important question for any caring animal owner.

How often can you wash your cat with shampoo and how to do it correctly?

Cat saliva contains a special set of enzymes that dissolve any contaminants. And a cat’s rough tongue, like a brush, is capable of combing out everything unnecessary from the fur. If the pet is healthy, he always finds time to take care of himself and remains clean. At the same time, it is important not to forget how often you can bathe your cat.

If a cat walks down the street by itself, you will never be sure what places he visited. Garbage cans are a very attractive place even for the most aristocratic pet. The next hot spots, loved by all furry creatures, are basements and heating mains.

It is so comfortable in underground structures, there is so much unexplored, so many sounds and secluded places, and mice also live there. How can any self-respecting cat avoid visiting basements? Do you need to wash the cats that live at the entrance and in the basement of the house, which you feed every day? Of course it is necessary.

Cats who love extreme recreation often visit dovecotes. A dangerous activity, but so fascinating! All this is a huge part of your cat’s self-realization, but there is a side issue - microbes and protozoa that such places are infested with.

On its paws and fur, a cat can bring a huge number of harmful microorganisms into the house. How often can you wash a cat if it goes out on its own? Basic sanitization should be carried out after each busy day, and a thorough bath should be done once every month or two.

And if a four-legged miracle sits at home and doesn’t even go out into the yard, then how often can you bathe absolutely domestic cats? In this case, the pet is still not protected from contact with germs. You came home from the street, and the cat joyfully greets you at the threshold, rubbing itself against your boots.

Then you sat down on a chair wearing the same jeans you had just worn on public transport, and the cat instantly jumped into your arms. Do you see? Contact with microbes from the outside world still occurs.

Country yard cats also want to be healthy, so they are bathed once a season, but they are always allowed to dry for several hours in a house or other warm room without drafts.

How often should you wash a cat of breeds such as Sphynx, Lykoi, Cornish Rex and other hairless or short-haired cats? They are washed much more often - every couple of weeks. In winter, if the house is not hot, you can reduce bathing to once a month.

Another moment when it is worth washing a cat is a situation where he has spilled something dirty on himself, or a delicate situation with weakened intestines in long-haired animals, when the owner’s help in maintaining cleanliness is simply necessary.

If trouble happens and the cat brings fleas, then do not go to extremes, but remember that bathing with ordinary means will not help. You will need a shampoo that contains antiparasitic agents.

Important! After the cat is free of fleas, treat his sleeping place, as well as those places where he often rests.

There are a lot of flea shampoos in veterinary pharmacies. There are special shampoos for adults, and there are also for small kittens. Do not neglect what is written on the package, so as not to undermine the health of your pet or poison it.

Bathing a cat for fleas is carried out in several stages:

  1. Wet the cat. The water should be slightly warmer than the air temperature, but not hotter than the temperature of the animal itself (38-39 degrees).
  2. Rub a small amount of shampoo over the coat, massaging and rubbing for at least 5 minutes.
  3. Keep the cat busy with conversations in a calm tone, with a toy in the water, while the shampoo is working, do not wash it off immediately. Look on the packaging for the duration of action of this product.
  4. When washing off the shampoo, run plenty of running water. Rinse off the anti-flea shampoo under running water for at least 5 minutes so that there is no residue left on the fur. After all, the animal will begin to lick itself and the remaining product will end up in the stomach.
  5. Comb the dried cat with a very fine comb.

When looking for an answer to the question “How often should you bathe a kitten?”, remember the advice of any veterinarian - water procedures for the cat family are extremely undesirable.

Not all cats know how to lick and clean all areas of their body so thoroughly. Some people cannot wash their face with their paw. Others, for their incomprehensible cat reasons, leave the tail and butt untouched. Still others can’t cope with their ears. Then the owner's help becomes necessary.

  • Is it possible to wash a cat often when it gets dirty all the time? In this case, it is advisable to buy dry pet cleaning products. They do not spoil the wool.
  • How often should you wash a cat that has skin problems? For example, this often happens with sphinxes. If water brings skin problems, then give preference to wiping the problematic area with a damp cloth.
  • How often can you wash cats that are very nervous about bathing? It is not the water itself that makes cats nervous, but the sound of the noisy stream of water. Bathe your kitty as needed, but fill the water so that she can't hear it. Prepare a mug for rinsing.
  • Should cats be washed in warm water? Your mustachioed friend's body temperature is several degrees higher than yours. Therefore, they perceive water at room temperature as cold. The water for bathing a cat should be about 40 degrees. This will not cause additional discomfort to the animal.
  • Is it possible to bathe a pregnant cat? While carrying babies, the mother's body spends a lot of energy and resources. There is absolutely no need for additional stress for the expectant mother. The exception is when a cat loves baths, but this is very rare.

We suggest you read: How to stop a cat from jumping on walls - simple and effective methods

And the question is not only about cats’ attitude to water, but also about the risk of catching a cold. By washing away the dirt, you wash away the protective layer from the coat, which takes several days to restore. But if you really need to wash your cat, then treat the procedure with care, as if you were bathing a child.

How to bathe a cat who is afraid of water?

What to do if the cat doesn’t really like to swim? Indeed, almost all pets do not like to bathe. Accordingly, the entire procedure of bathing a cat can become a real test for the whole family. This is due to the fact that the cat can meow, struggle, scratch, and try in every way to prevent bathing. How to calm the animal and wash it properly?

Many pet owners insist on purchasing dry shampoo. It comes with a mixture that is very similar to powder or talc.

  • It is necessary to sprinkle this product onto the cat's fur and rub thoroughly.
  • After this, take a brush and carefully comb out the fur.
  • After this, the cat does not need to be washed or rinsed off with water. This shampoo contains an adsorbent that perfectly absorbs dirt, grease, and unpleasant odors.

Accordingly, after this kind of procedure, the cat will feel like after a bath. Of course, it is best to wash your cat as usual using a special shampoo.

Afraid of water
Afraid of water

Instructions for the procedure:

  • Do not spray your cat with water from a hose or shower. A strong jet can frighten a pet and it will begin to panic.
  • Fill the bathtub with water equal to half the cat's height. That is, the water should reach approximately to the beginning of the chest. Please note that the water temperature should be slightly warmer than when people swim.
  • Since a cat's body temperature is slightly higher than that of a human. Next, you need to wet the cat's fur. To do this, it is not necessary to pour large quantities of water onto the animal. It is enough to wet your palm, thus moisturizing the fur.
  • Please note that a slippery bath may frighten your pet. We recommend placing a silicone or rubber mat on the bottom of the bathtub. This will prevent slipping. Next, you need to apply a special shampoo, thoroughly lather it on the animal’s fur, and rinse with plenty of water.
  • Next, you need to wrap the cat in a towel and take it to a warm place without drafts. Please note that animals can get very cold due to the fact that there is no air cushion, which is typical for cats if they are dry.
  • Therefore, try to dry the cat with a towel, and even use a hairdryer. Although many owners do not recommend using this device, since some of their pets are afraid of the noise of the hair dryer. But this will help dry the pet faster.


At what age can a kitten be washed?

You should start bathing procedures 2 or 3 weeks after the kitten appears in your family. This is the time required for its complete adaptation to new living conditions.

Bathed after several months

It is much easier to wash a baby than an adult cat, because he practically does not resist. To better cleanse the skin and coat, use hypoallergenic pet shampoos with a balanced pH. At the same time, the bathing product should be made specifically for representatives of the cat family because, for example, some shampoos that are safe for dogs are often toxic for cats.

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How not to bathe a cat: tips

Tips for bathing a cat:

  • It is necessary to adjust the water pressure in advance and prepare the bathroom. Be sure to close the door to the room when putting the cat in the bath. Before you start bathing, try to remove from the bathtub all objects that the animal could get caught on and jump out.
  • Remove any unnecessary items to prevent your pet from dumping open bottles of shampoo in the bathroom or on the floor. Before carrying out the manipulations, it is necessary to close all the vents and windows in the apartment in order to avoid drafts and colds for the animal. If you did everything correctly, the cat will not catch a cold. Of course, it is best to accustom a kitten to water procedures from an early age.
  • The first bath should be carried out after changing the animal's milk teeth. For the first bath, you need to fill the bath with just a little water so that it lightly covers the paws. This way the kitten can get used to the water. With each bath, the amount of water increases. Never use human shampoo or soap for bathing.
  • This is due to the fact that they contain a huge amount of alkali, which dries out the cat's skin. In this way, the fatty membrane is washed away, which prevents skin damage. It becomes dry and may flake and itch. Thus, you will acquire another problem in the form of dermatitis.

Wet kitten
Wet kitten

How to properly wash an adult cat?

A groomer or veterinarian can give your cat a professional bath. Having a helper to hold your fluffy will make the bathing process much easier for you. If you decide to bathe your cat at home alone, follow these steps:

Bathing a cat
Bathing a cat

  • fill a bucket with warm water or turn on the shower and set it up (the water should be warm, the pressure should be medium);
  • in the second bucket, dilute shampoo in warm water;
  • fill the sink or bathtub 5-10 cm with warm water;
  • to wash your cat , place it in the sink/tub;
  • Hold your pet by the scruff of the neck with one hand, and use a ladle/shower to pour warm water onto the cat until it is completely wet, avoiding getting water on its face;
  • pour the shampoo solution over it and give it a light massage;
  • release the water from the bathing container;
  • rinse the cat with clean water (when clear water flows out, the rinsing is complete);
  • gently “squeeze” the paws and tail;
  • wrap in a dry , fluffy towel.

There is no need to wash the face with shampoo. It is enough to blot it with a damp sponge or wipe it with a napkin.

How to wash a cat: types of shampoos for cats

They may differ in release form, as well as in their state of aggregation. Shampoos can be:

  • Dry. In the form of free-flowing powders.
  • Classic. That is, the same as in humans, which must be applied to wet wool.
  • Shampoos in sprays. This is a new type that does not contain moisture, so there is no need to wash your cat before applying shampoo. There's no need to rinse it off either.

Shampoos for cats
Shampoos for cats

Purpose of shampoos:

  • According to their action, shampoos can be cosmetic . They are used only if it is necessary to remove dirt from your pet's fur.
  • Medicinal. This kind of shampoo is also divided into several types, depending on the problem. There are shampoos for ringworm, fleas, and bacterial infections. Remember that flea shampoo contains an insecticide, so such products cannot be considered completely safe. It is necessary to carefully monitor your pet to ensure that the product does not get into the eyes, ears or mouth. Because this can provoke poisoning of the animal. Anti-lichen shampoos are also often used. They contain antifungal drugs that help fight rashes.
  • Antibacterial shampoo most often contains an antiseptic. In the case of a cat, most likely it is Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. The product allows you to get rid of a bacterial infection in a short period of time.
  • In addition, there are special shampoos that can tint your pet's coat. That is, you can separately purchase shampoo for white and black cats. They help give a beautiful shade to the coat and also care for it. Please note that toning shampoos cannot be used before visiting the exhibition. Because your cat may be disqualified.

Shampoos for cats

Please note that you should never use human shampoo on the skin of hairless cats. That is, these are sphinxes, as well as Egyptian breeds that have practically no hair. The fact is that their skin is very sensitive to various kinds of substances, and dries out very much when exposed to regular shampoo.

For such cats, special products have been developed that allow you to moisturize the skin and form a protective silicone layer on its surface, which prevents the penetration of microorganisms, as well as flaking of the skin.

Bathing a kitten
Bathing a kitten

Liquid shampoos

Considered the standard view. High-quality products not only clean the coat, but also make it silky and soft. There are both general and specialized ones: against tangles, against fleas, etc.

Shampoos should be used up to three times a year. Their more frequent use can lead to disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Dry products

Preference is given to such options if the pet is terribly afraid of water.

Dry products cope with the task assigned to them as effectively as liquid ones. In addition, their use makes combing easier.

Cat fur takes a long time to dry. The slightest draft can lead to a cold. In addition, you need to make sure that water does not get into your ears.

If dry powder is used, these problems do not arise. Even with frequent use, the skin does not dry out.


Another convenient type of pet supplies. True, finding them on sale is very problematic.

In addition to cleansing wool, this product creates antistatic protection. But the aroma of the spray is often more pronounced than that of other types. This is perhaps one of its few shortcomings.

The product is applied using a sprayer. When applied, it makes noise and may frighten your pet.

How to teach a kitten to bathe without problems?

Kittens from reliable nurseries or those who have simply been close to their mother for up to three months do not need bathing. The cat took excellent care of them and, from the point of view of the cat world, they are clean. An orphan kitten, having received a real home and owners as a reward, must still undergo a full range of bath procedures.

The sooner you start teaching your baby to bathe, the less stress both he and the owners will experience. The optimal age to start taking water procedures is three months. Before this, it is better to wipe your pet with a damp cloth. In addition, the kitten must get used to the new owners and begin to trust them. Only after establishing friendly connections can you go on the first “swim”.

A pet that can only see the street from the window should not be bathed often. It is enough to wipe his paws and fur with a damp cloth. But a thorough cleaning of wool should be done every season:

  • in summer and spring - at the beginning and at the end;
  • in winter and autumn - once.

A pet that likes to chase sparrows in the yard or periodically disappears for procreation needs bathing much more often. A “bath day” should be organized according to contamination and treatment for parasites.

Kitten in a bowl of water

Foundlings are usually bathed immediately upon arrival home

Indeed, sometimes it is not possible to wait until a trusting relationship with a pet is established. One day I picked up a kitten on the street. He came out to me right from behind the trash can, and part of his face and ears were stained with paint (the kind that is used to paint fences and benches in parks). Naturally, the baby’s acquaintance with the house began in the bathroom, where he was not just washed, but given a thorough bath with flea shampoo.

To be absolutely clear: before this day, it is completely unacceptable to bathe kittens, and from now on, please, it is completely impossible. Circumstances vary.

The most common recommendation is not to bathe kittens that are not yet feeding on their own. The fact is that an unfamiliar smell will definitely alert the mother cat and she may completely refuse to feed the baby, or even begin to attack him. And what is the need to wash infants who are carefully licked by their mother? They all smell wonderfully like milk, baby and something cozy and homely.

A foundling is a completely different matter. If you pick up a baby on the street, he may be in a terrible state where it is simply impossible not to wash him. Yes, and such a kitten will have to be fed manually. So bathing will not harm him in any way. The main thing is to keep your baby warm until he is completely dry so that he doesn’t catch a cold.

A kitten purchased from a cattery is usually clean and well-groomed. In addition, not a single caring breeder will sell a baby before 3-4 months. It is at this age that the kitten has already received all the required vaccinations, he is quite independent and has learned all the skills necessary for living with a person: he goes to the litter box, uses a scratching post, eats neatly prepared food.

So there is no need for an urgent bath. An exception may be when the kitten is traveling from afar. On the road, due to stress, he may go to the toilet and get dirty. Therefore, it is better that a suitable shampoo has already been purchased for the baby’s arrival. And be sure to consult the breeder about all the nuances of bathing.

When can you wash a kitten that you bought at the market or in a pet store?

If a pet store is at least some guarantee that the kitten is healthy and free of parasites, then an animal “from the market” or taken “on occasion” from the metro station, near a shopping center, etc., should be bathed immediately, despite the age. After all, there is no guarantee that he does not have skin diseases or parasites, and it is not at all clear in what conditions the baby lived before he was sold. Therefore, you should treat it like a street dog: be sure to not only wash it and thoroughly treat it, but also show it to a veterinarian.

Purebred kittens who are preparing for the first exhibition in their lives - and this does not happen earlier than 3 months - are also bathed so that they can demonstrate themselves to strict judges in all their glory. And there is no danger here if the baby is in caring, experienced hands.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with: Colt cutter for cats

Is there a way to teach a kitten to bathe? Indeed, in their natural environment, cats do not like water and try in every possible way to avoid water procedures. And wet fur after a bath does not give the kitten any pleasure - it is not in vain that he starts licking himself feverishly, as soon as you give him freedom.

But it turns out that a kitten can be taught to treat bathing, if not as a pleasure, then at least quite calmly. And from this point of view, the first baths are very important. The main task is not to scare.

Prepare everything you need for swimming in advance:

  • pour water into a bathtub or large basin,
  • prepare a ladle for rinsing, shampoo, and a towel.

You should bathe your baby quickly and confidently. If there is no really very strong contamination, then it is better to “underbuy” than to scare.

The bathing water temperature is slightly warmer than for humans, since cats have a higher body temperature. The water level is so that it reaches the belly. This way the kitten will be warm and not scared. You should not wash your kitten under the tap in the sink - almost all cats are afraid of a strong flow of water. In addition, this will most likely cause water to get into your eyes and ears, which is especially unpleasant and can even cause inflammation.

To prevent the kitten from jumping out, it is held by its front paws at all times. The head is soaped and washed off with your hand or a cotton pad, a napkin, or a small piece of cloth, but do not pour water on it.

Be sure to rinse the shampoo thoroughly. This is important not only because unwashed fur sticks together and does not look aesthetically pleasing, but also because while licking itself, the kitten will eat detergent and may get an upset stomach.

The cleanly washed baby is lightly wrung out, ironed “through the fur”, and wrapped in a towel. You should not let it go until it dries completely: firstly, it can freeze and catch a cold, and secondly, any dust will immediately stick to the wet wool again.

A clean, fragrant kitten is so cute and cuddly that you will want to bathe it more often. However, don't be too zealous. Bathing too often is not good for your indoor kitten.

The importance of choosing the right detergent for your furry pet

If the shampoo is chosen incorrectly, it will negatively affect the condition of the cat's coat.
The hair will become brittle, dull, begin to get tangled, and form clumps. The skin condition may worsen. When using inappropriate products, the dermis becomes dry and there is a risk of dandruff.

It is important to take a responsible approach to choosing shampoo.

Your pet needs to be given proper care to avoid problems with its fur and skin . Responsibility for the health of the animal lies with the person.

What happens if the animal is regularly washed with a non-special product?

The systematic use of shampoos that are unsuitable for cats leads to changes in the structure of the hairs, the activity of the fatty glands is disrupted, and the condition of the skin deteriorates .
The development of allergies cannot be ruled out. Because of this, the immune system weakens. The pet becomes more susceptible to various diseases.

Is it possible to bathe a cat with shampoos intended for humans?

Many owners prefer not to spend money and use their own shampoos to wash their cats. We hasten to disappoint such brave souls. Human washing products are absolutely not suitable for animals. The main reason is a different water-alkaline balance, the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction and deterioration of the cat’s skin condition.

Washing cats with soap and “human” shampoo is not recommended.

The same goes for soap. Veterinarians are skeptical about this remedy. When used in cats:

  • the protective layer is washed off from the skin, which leads to loss of local immunity;
  • the skin becomes dry and dehydrated;
  • the coat ceases to shine and becomes stiff;
  • allergies may appear;
  • dandruff occurs.

Therefore, you should not save on your furry pet, so as not to spend even more money on its treatment later. It is better to go to a pet store and find a suitable animal wash.

How to wash a cat if there is no special shampoo

For regular care of animals, special products are needed. They are less aggressive in composition than regular shampoos. It is best to wash the cat with warm water and beaten egg yolk. If that doesn’t work, you need compounds with PVA.

In rare cases, you can wash cats with regular shampoo or soap, but it is not advisable to do this often. The animal's skin will begin to peel off.

Let's discuss what to choose from what is in the bathroom.

Regular soap

It is not recommended to bathe a kitten with soap with a strong fruity or floral aroma. Bath, pine, and baby soap are preferable. Experienced veterinarians do not advise excessive soaping of the animal.

It is enough to pour it with soapy water or apply foam to the wool. If the surfactants (surfactants) don't touch the skin, great.

You shouldn't bathe your pet too hard. He must have natural protection.

Baby shampoo

Products used to wash children under three years of age are hypoallergenic. They contain less of all kinds of synthetic additives and more natural ingredients. But you can’t get carried away with them either.

The product is pre-diluted 1:3 and foamed well. And then the kitten is treated with foam. You need to carefully clean the face.

Phrases like “washes without tears” are a marketing ploy. When foam gets into the eyes of animals, conjunctivitis develops. The small pet will become restless. Ears are a no-go area. They are cleaned with ear sticks with water, lotion or saline solution.

Regular human shampoo

Some owners use human shampoo to care for their pets, and do this regularly. Veterinarians strictly prohibit doing this. The secretion of fatty glands is disrupted, the skin suffers, and the structure of the hairs changes.

Allergic dermatitis and other skin diseases are possible. Immunity weakens. After washing, cats get sick more often and can get pneumonia.

If there are several hair care products, choose the simplest one. It is better if it contains a decoction of herbs, without dyes or thickeners.

The soap composition is made by diluting the shampoo with water, increasing the volume at least five times. In this case, it will be possible to protect the cat from the consequences and reduce the risk of developing skin diseases.

Tar shampoo or liquid soap

Tar is an excellent folk remedy for skin irritation. Liquid soap or tar shampoo is a good insecticidal remedy for blood-sucking insects.

If your pet constantly scratches itself with its paws or bites something out of its fur, it may have fleas. Try washing it with tar soap. This primitive method is used in folk medicine.

How to wash a kitten for the first time

Shampoo for bathing a kitten

You need to wash your kitten correctly. The most important thing to learn is: if the room temperature is below 15°C, then it’s better to take a bath next time, otherwise you’ll catch a cold. Under no circumstances should you wash on a full stomach: wait a couple of hours after your last snack. It is advisable to catch the moment when the kitten is slightly tired or about to sleep.

You can begin hygiene procedures after preliminary preparation:

  1. The day before, trim and polish the kitten’s claws: if something suddenly scares you, washing with such precautions will be much safer.
  2. A large towel, or better yet, a couple.
  3. Cotton balls the size of a kitten's ear - a couple, maybe moistened with vegetable oil.
  4. If you plan to wash in the bathroom, you will need a basin and a stool so you don’t have to bend over. It is also convenient to bathe in the sink.
  5. Pour a little shampoo into a bowl so that it is convenient to scoop a drop with one hand, and place it nearby.
  6. Wear work clothes.

After this, you can start swimming. It is important not to scare the kitten. To do this, you will have to constantly talk to him during the process: affectionately, soothingly, without changing intonations and, especially, screaming.

  1. Fill a bowl or sink with a little water - literally a couple of centimeters. Leave the shower on. The pressure is small. The temperature is pleasant to the skin on the bend of the elbow.
  2. The kitten must be picked up and calmed down. Place prepared cotton balls in your ears. Preferably thicker.
  3. After this, fix the scruff in your left hand and make sure that everything is in order. Usually kittens reflexively curl up into a ball and stop moving.
  4. Having seated or placed the kitten in a basin of water, without letting go of the scruff, you need to use your right hand, using the shower turned on in advance, to systematically wet all the fur. Shower from the neck to the tail, avoiding the head.
  5. When the hairs are wet, you can take a little shampoo and thoroughly lather evenly over the entire surface of the body, except the head.
  6. The shampoo can be washed off immediately. True, if the instructions insist on a pause, it is better to endure it.
  7. You can pour the water out of the basin and wash the kitten out of the shower again. At the same time, you need to check whether foam remains on any parts of the body.

If there is no foam, then that’s it – you can draw a star on the basin: you have washed the kitten. Further actions are much calmer:

  • Wrap the kitten in a towel. There is no need to rub, just blot, if necessary, use a second one and hold for up to 10 minutes;
  • for patience, and simply for the experience, reward with a treat;
  • It is better to dry it naturally: without a hairdryer, otherwise a successful bath will be associated with scary sounds, especially for the first time. No treat will help here;
  • protect from drafts.

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Often, pollution is localized in one part of the body, for example, on the paws or tail. The muzzle and ears are a completely different matter. It is not recommended to wash the entire kitten so as not to disturb the oil balance of the skin. What to do?

It is recommended to clean dirt in the ears with tampons or sponges. Changing them often, using special means. In extreme cases, vegetable oil or plain warm water will do. At the same time, the kitten is fixed, wrapped as in a diaper.

Wet kitten

Yes, there is such a problem too. The kitten is restrained. You can also hold it under your arm – butt forward. Then gently wipe with damp cotton pads until clean.


To wash a grimy pet, fix it and gently moisten the fur with a wet hand, sponge or cloth. Then, also carefully, in the direction of hair growth, wipe the muzzle with a sponge soaked in foam. After this, the shampoo is thoroughly removed with a wet towel.

It is correct, of course, to wash dirty paws in water using foam, but often it is enough to simply wipe them with a wet cloth and then dry: firstly, it’s clean, and secondly, it’s psychologically comfortable.

Take care of the appropriate level of convenience, and at what point to organize a regular bath day depends only on the degree of curiosity of your kitten. Be prepared for the fact that the dependence is direct.

Follow our tips, and you will be able to easily accustom your pet to bath procedures:

  1. Wash my ears. We recommend reading a more detailed article on how to properly clean a kitten's ears. For this you will need dry cotton pads. Gently wipe the kitty's ear with them. If a little dirt still remains, purchase a special lotion from a veterinary pharmacy. Spread it on a cotton pad and wipe the skin. Or use ear cleaning liquid, which must be poured directly into the sink, and after the dirt comes out, wipe it with a dry cotton swab.
  2. How to wash a kitten's butt? In general, it is worth teaching your baby to clean himself. But, if you have not yet succeeded, then use a damp cloth or tampon. You can lightly spray such a place with water, then the cat will probably start licking it himself.
  3. Wash the kitten's face. For minor stains, a damp cotton pad will help. If spots appear on the chin, which in cats is very vulnerable to various types of inflammation, then use zoo shampoo for bathing.
  4. How to wash your spout. Only clean visible areas and use cotton swabs. A wet nose should be wiped with a paper napkin.
  5. How to wash a kitten's paws. After a walk or toilet, place the purr in the washbasin and lightly rinse the bottom of the limbs with warm water.
  6. Wash the kitten's eyes. Clean them using discs moistened with water. If a kitten has swollen eyes, then they should be wiped with a cotton wool soaked in black tea.

A small basin is enough.
So, everything is prepared. The pet was caught and placed in the bathroom. The harness is on, the ears are protected, the water is filled. It's time to start the procedures:

  1. It is better to grab the kitten by the scruff of the neck. So he will shrink into a ball and stop moving. This is a natural reflex.
  2. The water in the basin should be up to your belly. The kitten is gradually lowered into it so that its paws do not get wet quickly.
  3. The owner needs to talk to the baby all the time, using a gentle voice with soothing intonations.
  4. Handfuls of water are used to moisten the kitten's fur. You can use a shower, but then it must be turned on and adjusted in advance, and the pressure must be weak. But for the first time it is better not to use the shower.
  5. Lather the shampoo and rub into the fur. You don’t need to take a lot of product; a lot of foam will complicate the rinsing procedure. Then you need to wipe off the excess foam and start rinsing.
  6. You can rinse with a shower at low pressure. It is necessary to rinse off the shampoo thoroughly, otherwise the remaining product will dry out the skin and fur of the animal, which will cause itching and irritation.
  7. After rinsing, the kitten should be wrapped in a towel. Blot the moisture with it, remove it, and then wrap it in a prepared dry towel.
  8. Take the kitten to the heater or to its house. The baby will dry itself, the main thing is that there are no drafts.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure optimal conditions in the room where the splashing will take place. The room should be warm and dry. The kitten must exist absolutely healthy. If an animal is sick, you should not bathe it. For those who bathe a kitten for the first time, we can give several recommendations:

  1. Bathing is carried out in a basin. It is a good idea to prepare a soft towel and special shampoo for kittens. It is permissible to open the detergent immediately.
  2. Naturally, you need to wear a curtain and clothes that you don’t mind. You need to be prepared for the possibility that the kitten will begin to scratch and may simply damage your belongings.
  3. Water at room temperature is poured into the basin. It is enough if the ectoderm of water is a couple of centimeters from the bottom.
  4. Unsatisfactory cotton balls soaked in Vaseline are placed in the kitten's ears. This will prevent water from getting into them. In addition, the animal will not hear noise and splashing, which are additional irritants in its interests.
  5. The left hand holds the kitten behind the withers and the pet is seated in the basin. It doesn’t matter what position the kitten takes in the basin, as long as it is firmly entrenched in it.
  6. It is then rinsed with water from the shower at a pre-set temperature. The water pressure is forced to be small.
  7. There is no need to pour water on your head. You can simply wipe the area with a damp towel.
  8. Then barely a drop of shampoo is applied to the coat. Use one hand to hold the kitten, and the other to evenly distribute the shampoo over the surface of the body.
  9. For some years (see instructions), shampoo should be on the body. There it is thoroughly washed off.
  10. Having taken the kitten out of the water, it is wrapped in sudar. At the same time, the head is not wrapped.
  11. After 5 minutes, the kitten is released through towels.

Under no circumstances should soap be left on the fur, as the kitten may simply lick it off. There is no need to use a hairdryer. For a kitten it is equivalent to a vacuum cleaner and can simply scare it.

If the first bath is carried out competently, the kitten will not experience strong fear of water in the future. This will mean that his psyche will experience less stress, and your pet will always be clean. In addition, a properly selected shampoo will ensure your pet’s coat is smooth and silky.

In this case, if the pet is quite shy, but clean, you are allowed not to bathe it, but simply wipe its paws with a wet towel. At two months of age, bathing can be done simply with warm water, without using shampoo. Starting from three months, it is allowed to use a special shampoo for kittens.

If all conditions are met, the kitten will have only pleasant associations from the first bath, and in the future the kitten will no longer be very afraid of water.

Is it possible to wash a kitten with laundry soap?

The most natural soap is considered to be laundry soap. It is valued for its good cleaning ability. But it is wrong to believe that it is suitable for bathing kittens.

Common people believe that they can wash cats with laundry soap. It’s better not to do this, but to choose a less aggressive one, with a low alkali content or a neutral PH level.

If there is no special shampoo and the kitten needs to be washed, a solution of laundry soap will do. It is suitable as an emergency measure. The cat may develop dandruff and itchy skin after a bath. Some cats experience hair loss, and allergic reactions are possible.

Laundry soap 72% from the era of socialism for a pet is a kind of poison. It is important to rinse the wool well so that the pet is not poisoned by soap components.

If you find problems after washing with laundry soap, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. He will tell you how to minimize the effects of alkaline attack on the skin.

Kitten health

Once you get a kitten, start listening to word of mouth

After all, it is very important to find YOUR veterinarian! Based on the advice of friends or reviews on the Internet, it will not be difficult for you to do this. At your first meeting, ask your future family doctor about nutritional recommendations, options for fighting parasites, the first signs of disease, and get a schedule of vaccinations and visits to the veterinarian

Deworming a kitten

About 7 days before the first vaccination you need to do deworming. Subsequently, kittens undergo this procedure every three months until one year. It is optimal to use broad-spectrum drugs for the prevention of parasites.

Flea control

Fleas are no joke. It’s especially not funny for the little ones who have these parasites. They cause itching, allergies, dermatitis, lead to exhaustion and the development of blood diseases! Have we scared you? Anti-flea products come in five types: drops, sprays, shampoos, collars, tablets. Do not rely on your choice if your pet is still very young, but consult your veterinarian.


IMPORTANT! It is necessary to vaccinate both animals that live in the yard and those that do not leave the apartment. Both the first and second can get sick equally, so it’s better to be safe

Kittens are vaccinated for the first time at the age of 8-9 weeks. In this case, vaccinations that do not contain the rabies virus are used.

Revaccination is carried out when the kitten is 12 weeks old. This complex vaccine already contains the rabies virus.

The next revaccination takes place once a year and then once every year.

The scheme may change slightly. Your veterinarian will suggest the best one.

How can you wash a kitten?

You should not bathe your kitten with regular shampoo intended for human use. This is due to differences in acid-base balance. To avoid injury to the skin and fur of cats, it is best to wash them not with regular shampoo, but with a shampoo specially designed for cats.

If the cat is a little dirty, then there is no need to bathe it completely; you can simply clean the dirty area with wet wipes.

The most common types of shampoos

Modern veterinary medicine is able to offer different types of detergents that help to properly bathe a kitten:

  • If you wash your baby with liquid shampoo, you can get a soft and silky coat. This product can be used from any age. It is necessary to apply a small amount of shampoo, it is important to remember that it tends to foam, otherwise it will then become problematic to completely wash it off from the animal’s fur.
  • If your pet has a panicky fear of water, then washing with dry shampoo will be a salvation. It is applied to the cat’s skin and after a while it is calmly combed off the animal’s fur along with the dirt. This detergent can be used quite often, as it does not dry out the skin and does not upset the pet’s fat balance. Not recommended for use under 3 months. Make sure your cat's skin is completely dry before applying.
  • The spray shampoo can also be used as a dry shampoo; it should not be applied to the pet’s wet fur. Since this product has a strong odor, it is not recommended for use on animals under 6 months of age.

You should not buy shampoos for adult animals and use them on kittens, since the latter have more delicate skin and are at risk of getting dermatitis.

It is best to accustom your cat to washing from an earlier time, using special detergents. Taking a bath should be carried out in a good mood not only for the owner, but also for the pet, so that there is no stress associated with this event in the future. The reward for correct behavior in the bathroom can be a treat, and this method will help reinforce positive emotions in the animal.

Features of bathing purebred kittens

Certain breeds of kittens require an individual approach to caring for their coat. If the animal participates in exhibitions or competitions, it is recommended to use special shampoos that make the color more intense and the coat more shiny. For snow-white cats, detergents with a whitening effect are used. Long-haired breeds are recommended to be bathed at least once every 2 months. It is useful to wash a British Shorthair or Scottish Fold kitten no more than once every six months. But hairless sphinxes have thick skin that is prone to sweating profusely, on which dead particles of the epidermis and dirt quickly accumulate. Therefore, it is recommended to wash Sphynx kittens at least once every 3-5 weeks. If from childhood the baby is accustomed to hygienic water procedures, then older pets, who are 4-5 years old, will be calm about bathing.

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