Are fleas transmitted from cats to humans?

Cat fleas are small brown insects that feed on the blood of animals and humans.

Many people, wondering whether cat fleas are transmitted and are harmful to humans, do not want to have pets. This is not surprising, since indoor bloodsuckers can be carriers of various diseases. But fleas do not live on the human body; it does not act as a favorable environment for production. Parasites use people only as food, but even so they can cause a lot of trouble.

To get rid of them, use anti-flea shampoos, sprays, drops or collars. The choice is based on the preferences of the owner, pet, and veterinarian recommendations.

Are they transmitted to humans?

Fleas are small, dark brown insects that feed on blood. Their body length does not exceed 3-4 mm. They move by jumping or running. A cat can be a carrier of any type of floor flea. More often she catches them while walking outside to avoid animals.

When wondering whether fleas from a cat can spread to the human body, one should clarify the fact that bloodsuckers do not live on people. Therefore, they cannot be transmitted from animals.

Parasites feed on the blood of warm-blooded creatures, which can include humans. But having received what they need, they leave. Fleas can live in a home, on pets, but not on the body of the owner of the house. At the same time, animals that have constant contact with humans can become infected from him if bloodsuckers are brought from the street with clothes and shoes.

When answering the question of whether cat fleas jump on humans, it should be taken into account that parasites move by crawling and jumping. The length of their jump can reach 30 cm. This is enough to move from the floor to the lower part of the victim’s body. That's why the legs are bitten more often. The arms, back and neck suffer if the animal sleeps on the bed with the owner, and the parasites can reach any area of ​​the body.

How to recognize bites?

Unlike other blood-sucking creatures, fleas do not secrete an anesthetic substance, so it is extremely difficult not to feel it; the sensation is similar to being pierced by a needle. Having drunk blood, the insect abandons the bite site, but the blood does not come out, and a small hematoma may form. You can recognize that it was a flea by a number of signs:

Redness and swelling appear at the site of the lesion, and the person experiences pain.

  • Pain and itching at the site of the bite. Flea saliva contains enzymes that prevent blood clotting, which causes pain.
  • They bite the victim at any time of the day, unlike the same bugs.
  • At the site of the bite, redness, swelling, hematomas, and blisters appear.

Most often they bite a person on the legs - legs, feet, but there are exceptions - arms, neck, armpits. After the bite has been committed, it should be treated with a soap solution, then treated with alcohol or vodka; if the itching is severe, you can apply ice or something cold. If symptoms do not go away for a long time or worsen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Do they bite?

When wondering whether cat and dog fleas can bite a person, it is worth noting that bloodsuckers do not care what kind of blood they feed on. Insects live on pets, but can also gnaw their owners if there is not enough blood from the animal. This usually happens when there is a small kitten in the house. His body cannot saturate the horde of parasites, then the latter look for food elsewhere.

Interesting fact: cat fleas, unlike dog fleas, bite people more often. After purchasing a pet or before going to an area where pets roam, you should take measures to prevent bites. For animals, these can be collars, gels, sprays, and for humans, special repellent ointments.

How to get rid of biting parasites

Eliminating fleas from an animal and treating your apartment will help you deal with fleas in your home and protect yourself, your family, and your pet. Collars, special drops, powders, sprays, tablets will help destroy insects on your pet. Use them according to the instructions and follow safety rules.

Regular use of flea products for preventive purposes will help protect your pet and yourself. Also, check your pet regularly to spot fleas early in your pet's infestation.

Are cat fleas dangerous to humans? Undoubtedly yes. Follow the preventive recommendations, if necessary, get rid of insects, do not endanger your pet or all household members.

How to detect the presence of parasites in pets and how to deal with them? Expert recommendations in the following video:

Symptoms of a human being bitten by a cat flea

On the human body, a cat flea bite is recognized by the following signs:

  • Fleas, unlike bedbugs, can bite at any time of the day or night.
  • Cat flea bites on a person’s body are located no more often than 2-3 cm apart from each other. They can be localized in the area of ​​the arms, back, lower leg, and neck.
  • Blisters form in the area of ​​the bite. They swell and take a long time to heal.
  • The area around the blister may be itchy and painful.
  • The bite is painful because an enzyme in the saliva prevents blood from clotting.

With individual intolerance to the saliva of the parasite, some people, when fleas from cats or dogs are temporarily transmitted to a person, experience a severe allergic reaction.

In this case, antihistamines and ambulance are needed.

Signs of a bite in a person

The reaction of the human body to a cat flea bite is determined by the characteristics of its body and the frequency of “attacks” of the insect. So, there may be no reaction at all to the first bite, but the constant aggression of the parasites leads to the appearance of both immediate and delayed symptoms. The first include:

  • the appearance of urticaria zones - reddened areas of uneven shape around the bite, slightly rising above the surface of healthy skin;
  • bite mark. A small red dot will only appear if an insect has entered the container. This trail takes 3–4 days;
  • pain and itching at the site of the bite.

The site of a flea bite is usually red and itchy, and the puncture point of the skin itself is difficult to distinguish

Delayed reactions form within 12–24 hours after the attack. In some cases, papules (small formations without a cavity inside, with redness around, rising above the skin), vesicles (bubbles) may appear on the body. The constant itching of the bite often leads to initiation - a person scratches the skin, which becomes a gateway for infection. When infected, pus begins to form. The bite is specific, and it should be distinguished from signs of attack by other blood-sucking insects.

Table: differences between flea bites and mosquito and bedbug bites

Bite timeAny time of day, often when there is a cat or its bed nearbyNight and early morningAny time of day, most often in the evening
TrackThe area of ​​inflammation is uneven in shape, the mark itself is either completely absent, or is represented by a small red dotSeveral consecutive red dots surrounded by an area of ​​inflammation, which are arranged like a pathA small red dot surrounded by an inflamed, swollen area that rises above healthy skin. Single bites
Nature of sensationsThere may be no itching at all, or it may bother you for several hours.The itching is obsessive, but disappears quite quickly - 2-12 hours. The bite itself is usually not accompanied by pain. The skin is very itchy during the first 1–2 days, the bite itself is painful.

Since cat fleas can jump a maximum of 15-20 centimeters in height, bites on a person are usually located in the area up to the knee - where the parasites can jump from the cat's body. They do not move and bite in the area they hit. However, if a person comes into close contact with an infected animal and sleeps next to it, then the bites can be located on any part of the body, including the face - any area not protected by clothing will suit the insect.

Danger to humans

When understanding the question of whether cat and dog fleas are dangerous for humans, it should be noted that the parasites themselves do not pose a threat to the victim. But if the insect has been in contact with an unhealthy animal and acts as a carrier of the disease, then when bitten, the infection can penetrate into the wound.

Therefore, concluding, doctors say that fleas living on a cat can be dangerous to humans, transmitting to them through the blood:

  • Pulicosis.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Typhus.
  • Brucellosis.
  • Salmonellosis.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Helminthiasis.
  • Dipilidosis.
  • Fever.
  • Erythema.

In the Middle Ages, cat fleas caused a plague epidemic, which was dangerous for humans.

Nowadays, fleas rarely cause serious problems when they jump from cats to people. More often, patients suffer from helminthiasis; sometimes, due to intolerance, an individual severe allergic reaction occurs.

Are cat fleas dangerous for humans?

Bloodsuckers can bring a lot of problems to people, as they are carriers of dangerous diseases. A striking example of their harmfulness can be called the plague epidemics in the Middle Ages. Parasites can also cause the following diseases:

  • skin diseases (for example, dermatitis);
  • general intoxication of the body, multiple lesions of internal organs (brucellosis);
  • itchy skin lesions (pulicosis);
  • damage to the lymphatic system (erythema).

The danger also lies in the penetration of the insect into the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to severe intoxication, especially in children. Another serious danger is that fleas can drink the blood of cats infected with diseases that are difficult to treat. Among these: typhoid, some types of fever, hepatitis, encephalitis and even helminthiasis.

Can they live on humans?

When answering the question of whether fleas pass from cats and dogs to people, they definitely say that they do not stay on the body for long. Having bitten the owner, the bloodsuckers jump to the floor to further lay eggs. Basically, adult individuals parasitize animals and hide in the fur of pets; people do not have productive “vegetation,” which makes insects uncomfortable when attaching. Hence, some individuals suspect that cat fleas can live in human hair, which imitates animal fur. This is also incorrect, since the human body has a temperature of 36.6 C, and in animals this figure reaches 38-39 C, which significantly improves living conditions for pets.

Therefore, if there is any doubt whether cat fleas can live on humans, the answer is no. The appearance of blood-sucking parasites occurs near the location of the victim. A large number of fleas are found not only on the body, but also on animal rugs or floor carpets. If we talk about the street, then insects settle under leaves, stones, in garbage, and rodent burrows. By temperature fluctuations, vibrations, and smell, they determine the appearance of the victim, jumping onto it.

Signs of cat flea bites

There are some signs by which one can understand that a cat has picked up fleas and the bites on its body and human skin appear precisely from this type of parasite.

Signs of damage in humans:

  • Painful bite and burning sensation in the wound area.
  • Bites can be noticed at any time of the day - this is the main difference from bedbug bites, since these parasites most often attack at night.
  • Blisters, swelling, and slight swelling appear.
  • Most often, there are several bites on the skin at a short distance from each other.
  • The bites itch for a long time and take a long time to heal - this is due to the fact that the insect has a short trunk, as a result it plunges the head and part of the body into the wound to get to a small blood vessel.

To recognize the presence of insects in a cat, you need to observe your pet. As a rule, he is worried, he can jump up suddenly and begin to itch and bite into the skin. You may notice small wounds on your pet and scratching areas - this is a sign that there are parasites.

To determine whether your pet has insects, just comb the cat on white paper - black and brown dots are traces of insect activity. Another option is to take a fine-comb comb and part the fur. You can notice either the insects themselves or their feces.

Cat fleas are dangerous for both pets and humans. This is due to the fact that insects transmit many diseases and cause allergic reactions. Parasites are especially harmful to kittens and sick cats - there is a risk of anemia, dermatitis, and in advanced cases, death is possible.

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