General information about the disease
There are 3 types of lice that can parasitize the human body:
- • headaches – affect the skin and hair of the head, in men they can be observed in the mustache and beard;
- • clothes – parasitize on clothing;
- • pubic – settle on hair in the groin area, external genitalia and anus.
Depending on the type of lice, infection occurs in several ways:
- • contact;
- • sexual;
- • household.
The main signs of lice are itching and discomfort. But based on this clinical picture, a diagnosis is not made. A visual examination of the patient is necessary, which reveals:
- • small inclusions of a grayish color, resembling dandruff in appearance (when you try to crush them with your nails, a characteristic click is observed).
- • wounds;
- • minor bruises (occur due to parasite bites);
- • enlarged lymph nodes;
- • rashes on the neck and behind the ears
- • pustules.
In some cases, there are signs of an allergic reaction and an increase in body temperature. The person himself becomes irritable and aggressive. He has problems sleeping and concentration decreases.
The effectiveness of oils against lice and nits
Essential oils are used to treat head lice. The mechanism of their work is simple. Oils emit a pungent odor that causes suffocation in parasites, and also clogs the respiratory system, causing them to die. And in combination with an acidic environment (for example, vinegar), the shells of the eggs and the cementing substance with which they are attached to the hair dissolve. Thanks to this property, the process of combing them out is greatly facilitated.
Additionally, essential oils for lice and nits provide care for the hair and scalp, restoring damaged cells and eliminating the unpleasant symptoms characteristic of lice.
Precautionary measures
When getting rid of lice using oil compositions, it is recommended to adhere to safety rules. This is due to the fact that some components are toxic and can cause harm to a person with a weakened immune system.
During the procedures, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:
- All components for medicinal compositions should be purchased from trusted places (pharmacies or stores that have the necessary quality certificates). It is also important to pay attention to the expiration date when purchasing. If it is already running out, then it is better to refuse such a remedy.
- Essential components are not intended for ingestion, like some fatty bases, so during head treatment procedures it is important to ensure that the patient does not swallow part of the medicinal mixture. If this happens, the person may experience food poisoning, abdominal pain and even hallucinations.
- During the procedure, it is not recommended to add components “by eye”. It is important to strictly follow the instructions. Otherwise, if the concentration is significantly exceeded, the patient may receive burns.
- Essential components are not suitable for use in pure form; they are always diluted before use.
- When applying the composition to the scalp or hair, you need to ensure that the medicine does not get on the mucous membrane of the eyes.
It is not recommended to treat your head with such compounds on an empty stomach. Inhalation of essential components can worsen general well-being and cause disturbances in spatial orientation.
When essential oils are harmful. Contraindications for essential oils
Lavender oil for lice
Lavender oil has the following properties:
- • antiseptic;
- • painkillers;
- • calming.
The smell of the product slows down the activity of parasites, thereby weakening the process of their development and reproduction. However, lavender oil in its pure form is not capable of quickly ridding a person of lice. To do this, you will need to apply it daily to the skin and hair for at least 2 weeks, leaving it on for 2-3 hours.
To increase the effectiveness of the product, it is mixed with alcohol and distilled water in a ratio of 3:5:5. The scalp and hair are treated with this solution, after which a plastic cap is put on and washed off after 20 minutes. The procedures take 4 days.
Don’t forget that after using any oil against lice and nits, you need to comb your hair!
Types of oils
Sunflower oil should not be used independently, as it will not bring the desired result. It is recommended to be used in combination with essential components.
It has an enveloping effect, preventing adults from attaching larvae to the hair. This mixture should be kept on your head for 2 hours.
Castor oil is approved for independent use.
It has a similar effect as sunflower. To do this, you need to heat it in a water bath and distribute it over your head. The average price in Russia is 50 rubles.
Burdock oil is considered the most popular remedy in the fight against lice.
Since it forms a film that impedes the movement of lice and prevents them from feeding. The drug helps improve the hair structure, as it saturates it with nutrients, fats, and vitamins. It should be applied every day for 4 days. Next comes a two-day break. After which the course must be repeated. This is an affordable product, the price of which in Russia varies from 39 to 45 rubles. The cost of the treatment course is influenced by the length of the hair. Usually 2 bottles are required.
For your information,
After the treatment course, preventive treatment should be carried out for 2 months. For this, 2 procedures will be enough.
Lavender oil is used as an aid.
It is known for its antiseptic, antidepressant, and analgesic properties. It is usually added to speed up the healing of scratches. The price of the drug varies from 300 to 340 rubles.
tea tree
Tea tree oil is an effective remedy for eliminating head lice. It has a pronounced antiseptic effect.
The alcohol mixture is especially known for its effectiveness. To do this you should:
- take 50 g of medical alcohol;
- 30 g tea tree oil;
- mix everything;
- add 50 g of warm boiled water.
Bergamot oil is famous for its abundance of vitamins and minerals. It improves the hair structure, the condition of the epithelium, heals wounds, prevents infection, and accelerates regenerative processes. This product can be used in tandem with the main one. To do this, add 3 drops of bergamot to 30 ml of herbal base, which costs about 150 rubles.
Sea buckthorn
Used as a means to wash against lice.
Sea buckthorn oil is rubbed into the skin, left for a while, and then washed off. In pharmacies, the average price of sea buckthorn oil is 100 rubles.
Sunflower oil for lice
Sunflower oil is the only folk remedy for head lice that can be used in both children and pregnant women. It rarely causes allergic reactions and does not harm the body. However, to completely get rid of lice using sunflower oil, it will take at least 10 days. The product has a suffocating effect and slows down the process of parasite reproduction.
Directions for use – apply the oil to the scalp and hair, put a plastic bag on top, and wash off with warm water after 30 minutes.
Medicinal mixtures
Essential substances must not be used in their pure form. They come as an addition to the basic product. Faster results can be obtained by using tandems based on several types of oils. When making the mixture, you need to follow several recommendations.
- the mixture is made using one main component and 2 additional ones in a ratio of 30 to 3. Vegetable oil is used as the basis. Most often, burdock and castor are used for these purposes. The addition is usually lemon, rosemary, tea tree;
- the resulting mixture is heated in a water bath to room temperature;
- then evenly distributed over the head and hair;
- keep for 2 hours.
To obtain greater effectiveness, it is recommended to apply the medicinal mixture before bedtime, leaving it until the morning. This will help have a more detrimental effect on the lice.
Mixtures with an acidic environment
An acidic environment is used as an auxiliary component, which helps remove nits and makes them easier to comb out. Thanks to its aggressiveness, vinegar is known in the fight against lice. When combined, it leads to enhanced results. To prepare the product you should take:
- 9% vinegar in equal quantities with the main component;
- plant base;
- 5 drops of aromatic substance;
- apply to hair, put a plastic bag on top;
- after an hour, rinse under running water with detergent;
- dry with a hairdryer;
- comb out nits and paralyzed lice.
Coconut oil for lice
Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which is harmful to lice. In addition, it has an antibacterial effect, preventing the occurrence of head lice infections. The product is used as follows:
- • melt in a water bath, cool to 37-38 degrees;
- • apply to the scalp and hair, carefully comb out lice and nits with a special comb
- • wash your hair with warm water and shampoo and dry it;
- • the oil is reapplied to the skin and hair, putting a plastic cap on top and leaving the mask on for 8-10 hours.
After washing off the oil, comb the hair. The procedures are repeated 2-3 times a week until the signs of lice disappear completely.
Tea tree oil for lice
Tea tree oil - a folk remedy for the prevention of lice
Tea tree oil is an oil obtained from the leaves of the tree of the same name. Known for its special smell. Its chemical composition includes about 100 compounds. Has a number of useful properties:
- Antiseptic.
- Antifungal agent.
- Antiviral.
- Health product.
- General strengthening.
- It is actively used in cosmetology and medicine.
Diluted oil is completely safe
. It can be used by children and pregnant women. Dilute it with water, an oil solution of vitamin E, or any other aromatic composition. It is strictly forbidden to eat it. If it enters the body, it becomes very toxic and can cause poisoning.
The use of tea tree oil for lice and nits has its own characteristics. For greater efficiency
It is recommended to combine it with an alcohol solution in the following ratio: add 30 drops of oil to 50 grams of pure alcohol and mix thoroughly.
Then 50 grams of water are added to the resulting solution. The resulting mixture will cause irreparable harm even to nits, destroying their dense protective shell and killing the embryos.
Anise oil effectively helps against lice and nits, since it has a healing effect on the epidermis of the head. This product does not contain chemicals, so it does not harm the body. This extract helps slow down the reproduction of lice. It will not be possible to completely get rid of blood-sucking insects using anise oil, but it can enhance the effect of medications and can eliminate the consequences of lice (bites and various irritations of the hair). Anise oil has an antiseptic effect, therefore preventing the appearance of bacteria and fungi.
To combat head lice, you should use the extract undiluted. It must be applied to the hair and thoroughly rubbed into the epidermis of the head. The product should be on the hair for 2-4 hours, and after this time it is necessary to rinse off the product with plenty of water. You can also use anise extract for lice and nits for preventive purposes. To do this, it must be added to shampoo for daily care. This will repel insects well.
Recipe with vodka
Anise oil can also be used with the addition of vodka. This combination is extremely effective in killing lice. To create the drug, you need to take 55 g of pure alcohol and add 35 g of anise oil to it. The prepared composition must be applied to the hair, paying special attention to the root zone. You need to keep the resulting product on your head for 25-35 minutes, and then wash your hair with shampoo. You can only dry your hair with an old, unnecessary towel, which you can then immediately throw away.
Anise oil against lice can be used together with vinegar. You need to take 35 g of the substance and add 12 drops of extract to it. The resulting composition should be applied to the hair after washing. The drug should be on the head for 15-20 minutes, and then it should be washed off with water.
Despite its effectiveness, anise oil has contraindications. It should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, or children under 3 years of age. This extract should not be used by people who suffer from chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
To remove lice, special preparations based on lavender oil are used. To prepare an effective remedy, take 50 ml of alcohol and pour in 35-45 drops of extract. The components must be thoroughly mixed and ¼ glass of water (necessarily distilled) added. The prepared solution should be applied to dry hair using a cotton pad. It is recommended to treat hair along the entire length (from ends to roots). You also need to generously lubricate the epidermis of the head with this preparation.
After this, you should put on a special polyethylene hat (if you don’t have one, you can use a regular disposable bag). You need to stay in this position for 17-25 minutes. After the specified time, you need to wash your hair with warm water and shampoo. Finally, lice and nits should be combed out using fine metal combs. This method of removing pests will not help in one go, so it is necessary to conduct another 2-3 sessions over 5-6 days.
Lavender oil for lice is often used in conjunction with medications prescribed by a trichologist. If such a substance causes discomfort in the form of burning or itching, then you will have to immediately wash it off with water and in the future abandon this method of getting rid of lice.
Professional remedies for head lice
If folk remedies do not have a therapeutic effect, you need to switch to professional shampoos, sprays and lotions. They ensure the elimination of parasites after the 1st application. But, when purchasing such products, you need to carefully read the contraindications, since most of them contain toxic substances that can cause allergic reactions and other health problems.
One of the least dangerous anti-pediculosis drugs is “Paranite Sensitive.” It does not contain harmful chemical compounds, so it can be used in young children and women during pregnancy and lactation.
The product has several forms of release - shampoo, spray, lotion, repellent. The main active ingredients are mineral oils and dimethicone. The principle of operation is based on the fact that the active substances clog the respiratory openings of lice and nits, blocking the access of oxygen to them, as a result of which they die. “Paranite” has a physical effect on lice and nits, does not contain toxic substances and is not addictive even with repeated use.