Rules for using Neostomozan: principle of action, instructions for use

  • General issues

Almost every home has a cat or dog. People are sometimes so imbued with love for four-legged creatures that they do everything possible to bring joy to their furry one. They give them various delicious treats, try to create simple toys, and if their pet breaks an expensive vase, they are ready to forgive even this carelessness. There are many pet lovers who are well acquainted with such an effective drug as Neostomazan. Information about this medicine is limited only to the instructions for use, principle and spectrum of action. But this turns out to be enough for this medicine to be reliably prescribed in their home medicine cabinet. It is worth saying that it is no coincidence that the owners paid attention to this product.

When spring comes and the sun gets hotter, fleas appear on your pets. Fleas and ticks are dangerous not only because they cause discomfort in animals. They can be carriers of a wide variety of diseases, including worms. And owners don’t always know how to rid their pet of tiny guests. It may happen that even those people who do not keep pets at all develop fleas, ticks or bedbugs. And how to deal with them in this case? Here, the advice of experienced breeders who have long and successfully used the drug Neostomazan to combat these guests will come to the rescue.

Composition of the drug

Neostomozan is available in several convenient-to-use forms, but the concentrated preparation is most in demand among consumers.

One liter of concentrated preparation contains the following quantitative composition of active substances:

  • transmix - 50 grams;
  • tetramethrin - 5 grams.

In addition, the anti-flea product contains a number of fillers that increase its effectiveness.

At the point of implementation, the con comes in the form:

  • ampoules of 5 milliliters;
  • glass bottles of 200 milliliters;
  • polyethylene canisters containing 1 liter or 5 liters of concentrate.

"Neostomozan" is most in demand among consumers in the form of a concentrated preparation

The following are used as excipients in the production of flea products:

  • piperonyl butoxide;
  • acetic anhydride;
  • butylated hydroxytoluene;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • "Zheronol MS";
  • "gerol FF4";
  • "Solvesso-100".

The drug is a transparent solution of yellow or yellow-brown color and is classified as flammable. For the treatment of large apartments and industrial premises, it is recommended to give preference to drugs in canisters.

Information about the drug Baytril

This medicine is produced with the same composition for both cats and dogs, the same composition is also present in the version for birds. The main active ingredient here is enrofloxacin. By the way, this is exactly what the international name of this medicine sounds like.

“Baytril” is a transparent five percent (5% is marked on the package) solution of a light yellow tint, which is sold in a sterile dark brown glass container for 100 ml. The jar itself, in turn, is packed in a white cardboard box with all the necessary markings.

The manufacturer of this drug is German. It is also produced by the Federal State Budgetary Institution ARNIAH (Russia, Vladimir).

Indications for use

In addition to killing fleas, Neostomozan has a detrimental effect on lice and lice-eaters. In addition, indications for use are the presence of demodicosis, sarcopticosis and otodectosis. The advantages of this neurotoxin are its effect on the nerve synapses of harmful insects and the absence of an effect on the metabolic processes of warm-blooded animals. Used to destroy sarcoptic, demodectic and ixodid ticks, lice, as well as zoophilic flies and bloodsuckers.

Apartments and other premises are processed in the absence of children and animals.

Low toxicity for warm-blooded animals is characterized by the absence of local irritating and sensitizing effects when used in the dosage recommended by the manufacturer of the drug. Refers to drugs that have a toxic effect on fish and bees.

Apartment processing

If the owner needs to disinfect the premises, then Neostomazan ampoules of 5 ml are more suitable for this.

Application diagram

According to the available instructions, you need to dilute the product in one liter of water. In other words, the application regimen will be as follows - 1 ml of the drug per 200 ml of water . The finished mixture must be treated with the room.

  • You need to apply the emulsion to the most likely habitats of parasites - the floor, the animal's bed, rugs, don't forget about your slippers and vacuum cleaner bag.
  • To reach hard-to-reach places, as well as to treat sofas and armchairs, use a spray bottle.
  • Make sure that the cracks in the floor and baseboards are well moistened, and also apply the product to the radiator. This is the most common habitat for fleas, which are very attracted to warmth.


  • To treat an apartment against fleas, it is necessary to dilute the concoction in water at room temperature, resulting in the formation of an emulsion ready for use.
  • The working solution must be prepared immediately before use. To determine the volume of aqueous emulsion required for processing, calculations should be made in accordance with the instructions supplied by the manufacturer with each preparation.
  • The required amount of Neostomozan must be thoroughly mixed in ten to twenty liters of water until the finished emulsion is formed.
  • The resulting composition is used to fill the tank of a special sprayer.
  • It is necessary to bring the volume of the solution to the required amount with water and mix thoroughly again.
  • The working solution in significant volumes is prepared at a dilution of 1:1000, calculating one liter of “Neostomosan” and 1 thousand liters of water.
  • When preparing a working solution at a concentration of 1:200 per liter of water, add five milliliters of the drug. To prepare solutions, use a container not intended for food use.

It is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner to remove dead animals.

After treating the room, it is necessary to keep it closed for at least an hour, and then carry out through ventilation for thirty minutes. To remove dead animals, it is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner, and then thoroughly wet clean the floor and all treated surfaces.

You can also read the article that talks about folk methods of getting rid of fleas.

Instructions for use

When using a substance, you must always remember that, first of all, it is a poison, so regardless of the dosage, you should strictly follow the instructions.

When treating with Neostomazan, follow the dosages according to the instructions, otherwise you may harm your pet

Animal handling

Pets can be treated using a spray bottle or foam sponge. The sponge allows you to wet your pet's fur very well, as well as rub the substance into the skin. If the work is carried out with a sprayer, then for the best effect you need to stroke the animal against the grain with one hand and spray it with the other. This technique will allow the substance to reach the pet’s skin, where the parasites are located.

If you need to disinsection a large dog, then you should not use a sponge, as the process will be quite long and labor-intensive. In this case, it is much more appropriate to use a spray bottle. The procedure should be carried out in the fresh air, having first placed a special collar on the animal’s face, protecting the dog’s eyes, mouth and nose from contact with the solution.

“Neostomazan” must be diluted in water before use.

In addition, the owner does not need to neglect personal protective equipment. Suitable for this:

  • respirator;
  • protective glasses;
  • latex gloves;
  • trousers;
  • clothing with long sleeves.

Cats and small dogs can also be sprayed with a spray bottle, but there is a high probability of the solution getting on the face, which can lead to damage to the mucous membranes. In this regard, veterinarians advise using a regular foam sponge. It allows you to wet the animal’s fur very well, and also gently rubs the substance into the skin.

During treatment with “Neostomazan” you must wear a basic set of protection

Gradually, the drug will spread throughout the pet’s body, destroying all parasites. The procedure should be repeated no earlier than after 10 days. It must be remembered that under no circumstances should weak or sick animals be subjected to such disinsection, as this can have a detrimental effect on their health.

After the procedure, you need to carefully observe the behavior of the cat or dog. On the first day you may notice such negative symptoms as:

  • apathy;
  • drowsiness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • lacrimation;
  • weakness;
  • redness of the skin.

If they appear, there is no need to panic. Most often, this is a normal reaction of the pet’s body to the action of an insecticide. All symptoms should disappear within 3 days. If the animal's condition does not improve, you should seek veterinary help.

After treatment with Neostomazan, you should thoroughly rinse the product off the skin.

Rules of behavior after the procedure

After the treatment has been carried out, the owner must adhere to certain rules of behavior:

  1. Petting your pet is prohibited for the next two days.
  2. The animal must be wearing a special collar or muzzle that will prevent attempts to lick the substance. Protective items can be removed only after the preparation has completely dried.
  3. The use of any soap products during bathing should be very limited. It should be remembered that wool can come into contact with water no earlier than 2 days after the procedure.
  4. After working with the solution, you must wash your hands well with soda. It can also be used when processing containers in which the substance was located.
  5. Until the product applied to the fur is completely dry, the pet should be kept as far as possible from other animals.
  6. If necessary, repeating the treatment is allowed only after 10 days.

Compliance with the rules will make the procedure as effective and safe as possible. Violation is fraught with poisoning of the animal or its owner, as well as the spread of parasites.

Inspect your home for the presence of accumulations of insects, there is a possibility that they moved from the living animal into your house

Disinsection of a pet's habitat

Usually, to get rid of insects there is no need to treat an apartment or residential building. For example, if a dog constantly lives on the street, that is, in a kennel or a separate building, and is practically never in the house, then it is advisable to disinfect only this room.

Neostomosan, 5ml is again suitable for such disinfestation. The instructions for use indicate that the ampoule of the active substance must be diluted in 1 liter of water and mixed thoroughly. After this, the aqueous solution should be poured into a spray bottle and then applied evenly to all surfaces of the building. The sleeping area should be given special attention. So, if an animal sleeps on a fabric bedding, then it needs to be boiled for half an hour.

This method of killing parasites is very effective and is recommended to be carried out monthly. This measure will prevent the reappearance of insects. Before allowing the animal into the area where the treatment was carried out, the room must be thoroughly ventilated for 2 hours. But it is better to move your pet to another place at least for a day.

Elimination of parasites in the apartment

Typically, the volume of solution required for high-quality disinfestation of an apartment depends on both the area of ​​the room and the purpose of treatment. For example, if it is carried out for prevention, then 1 liter of water with the addition of 5 ml of the substance will be enough for a small apartment. If a large living area has been infected, a solution of 10 ml of the drug and 2 liters of water should be prepared. To roughly calculate the required volume, be sure to take into account the quantity and size of upholstered furniture, since disinfecting it will require twice as much product.

The finished mixture is applied to the floor and walls using a spray bottle. It is held at arm's length at a distance of 20 cm from the surface being processed. Considering that the substance is a contact drug, it is imperative to ensure that it gets into all places where insects may be.

To kill insects, it is enough to treat the surfaces with “Neostomazan”

It is better to start treating the living space from the pet’s sleeping place, since if parasites have already appeared in the house, then most of them will be on fabric bedding. A good way to disinfect such beds is to thoroughly wash them in hot water, but this is not always possible. If it is impossible to wash the bedding, then it is treated in the same way as carpets and rugs, that is, sprayed with Neostomozan.

After finishing work, the room must be ventilated for at least 3 hours. All places that may come into contact with the skin must be thoroughly wet cleaned. It should be borne in mind that full general cleaning can only be carried out after 3 weeks. During this time, all insects will die.

Repeated spraying is preventive in nature and is not mandatory. It is carried out 10-15 days after the first disinfestation. In this case, the concentration of the substance can be reduced, that is, dilute 5 ml of the drug in 3 liters of water.

If you experience the first signs of Neostomazan poisoning, you should consult a doctor

Terms of use

  • The ready-to-use solution can be used not only for treating premises infested with ectoparasites, but also for the purpose of exterminating harmful insects on domestic and farm animals.
  • Apartments and other premises are processed in the absence of animals.
  • When treating the premises, avoid contact of the drug with food products and utensils.

Ready-made Neostomozan can be used to kill harmful insects on domestic and farm animals

Use for cats and dogs

Liquid "Entomozan-S" instructions for use for dogs (cats) recommends use when animals are affected by ticks. In this case, you need to prepare a 0.01 percent solution and wipe the affected surfaces of the body with it. It is best to do this using a previously prepared sponge or cotton wool.

If harmful insects have damaged too large an area of ​​the body, divide it into two parts. On the first day, treat half. Then take a day break and work the other half. For maximum effectiveness, this procedure should be carried out three times, taking a two-week break. Please note that the animal may lick itself, but this should not be allowed. Therefore, use a special collar to prevent licking.


Sometimes cats and dogs can be affected by ear mites. The drug "Entomozan-S" can easily cope with such a parasite. The main thing is to treat the ears correctly. First, you need to clean your ears very thoroughly. Try to remove all scabs and crusts. A cotton swab is ideal for this purpose. Now treat the auricle with a 0.05 percent solution of this drug. After this, one milliliter of the active substance is instilled into each ear.

It is very important to massage your ears so that the product is distributed correctly. Please note that even if the tick has affected only one ear of the animal, you still need to treat two

After you have completed this procedure the first time, wait a week and perform all the above steps again.

Precautionary measures

  • Neostomozan must not be transported or stored together with food and feed.
  • Treatment of the premises with the drug must be carried out in special clothing and using personal protective equipment: dust glasses, rubber gloves, a rubberized apron, rubber boots, as well as RPG-67 or RU-60-M class respirators.
  • Preparation of a working solution against fleas is possible only in the open air.
  • When combining treatment of the premises and animals, it is necessary to perform the maximum possible intensive ventilation at the final stage.
  • Rubber gloves should be used when handling dogs and cats. After treatment, a mandatory requirement is to exclude children from contact with treated animals until the pet is completely dry.

Dizziness, general weakness, nausea are signs of poisoning

  • It is prohibited to drink, eat or smoke during processing.
  • After treatment, you should take a shower and change clothes.
  • If the flea drug gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it is necessary to treat the affected areas with running water or a slightly alkaline solution. In case of accidental ingestion of the drug, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage and take activated charcoal in a dosage corresponding to the weight.
  • If signs of poisoning appear, characterized by dizziness, general weakness or nausea, work on treating the apartment should be stopped. It is necessary to obtain advice from a medical institution as soon as possible.
  • You cannot use Neostomosan containers for storing food products. Disposal of drug residues should be carried out in special places.
  • Expired medications should not be used for work.
  • A place inaccessible to children and animals must be selected for storage.​


Marina, 43

One fine day we had a global problem - the dachshund had a lot of fleas. I decided to try neostomozan. The product doesn't seem to be new. I read a lot of reviews on the Internet.

I liked that you can treat not only the animal, but also the pet’s habitat. There are many medications for removing parasites and they vary in price, but medications to disinfect an apartment are already expensive.

This factor won me over. I didn’t notice any significant differences with other medical innovations. I was just confused by the poisonous smell during treatment, and I couldn’t stop sneezing.

When the floor dried, the specific aroma evaporated. My son didn’t even feel anything, although he is asthmatic and allergic. After one use the problem was solved.

Roman, 28

My wife is a Pekingese lover. We have two of them. From time to time we are faced with the need to eliminate fleas and tick-borne manifestations. Walking outside and interacting with other dogs contribute to rapid infection.

We used flea shampoos. We decided to buy the product because we needed to treat the area where the animal was located. The pharmacist advised me to try it. The price suited me.

There was a case when we smelled a bug smell. We cleaned the room without any problems. I agree with the previous commentator - the aroma of the poison is terrible, but it dissipates quickly. This is probably the biggest disadvantage of this medicine.


Reviews and comments

+5 Ekaterina 08/11/2015 15:23 Hello! Please tell me if you carry out wet cleaning after treatment with the product, then as I understand it, the “neostomozan” product will be washed off the floors. What about the laid eggs, will the fleas start hatching again or not? It’s just that the other day I treated the entire area of ​​the house with dichlorvos, the fleas died, and the next day tiny ones began to appear, I wouldn’t want to resort to dichlorvos again...


-1 Anya 09/06/2015 02:11 I quote Ekaterina:

Hello! Please tell me if you carry out wet cleaning after treatment with the product, then as I understand it, the “neostomozan” product will be washed off the floors. What about the laid eggs, will the fleas start hatching again or not? It’s just that the other day I treated the entire area of ​​the house with dichlorvos, the fleas died, and the next day tiny ones began to appear, I wouldn’t want to resort to dichlorvos again...

Theoretically, everyone should have been poisoned, even people. And they gave birth to little ones in one day! It seems that dichlorvos can now be used to increase the birth rate! They will give you a Nobel Prize! Quote +1 Anya 09/06/2015 02:13 I just don’t know what kind of respirator they recommend here.

Correct dosage

When carrying out any treatment, the substance is used exclusively in the form of an aqueous solution. But special attention should be paid to the established norms for the ratio of emulsion and water when it is planned to use the mixture for the disinfestation of animals:

  • cat - 1−2 ml of the drug per 200 ml of water;
  • dog weighing less than 20 kg - 1-2 ml of substance per 200 ml of water;
  • dog weighing more than 20 kg - 5 ml of product per 1 liter of water.

neos3First of all, the dosage of Neostomazan depends on the weight and type of animal.
This point in using the solution is especially important. After all, experts guarantee that with the correct dosage the drug will not harm a warm-blooded animal. However, to disinfect small pets, it is better to limit yourself to using 1 ml of Neostomazan.

If you are treating a small room, such as a booth, then it is enough to dissolve 5 ml of emulsion in 1 liter of water. The resulting mixture should be thoroughly mixed for 10 minutes, then carefully pour it into a container with a spray bottle. Then you should treat both the room itself and the pet’s bedding. A fabric bed should be washed 30 minutes after disinfestation. To prevent the reappearance of insects, the procedure can be repeated once every 30 days.

To carry out prophylaxis in large rooms, as well as apartments, it is enough to use 5 ml of emulsion diluted in 1 liter of water. If it is necessary to destroy parasites, then 10 ml of the product must be dissolved in 2 liters of water. Using a spray bottle, all furniture, as well as floors, walls and doors, are treated with the composition, with special attention being paid to baseboards.

At the end of the disinfestation process, the room should be well ventilated, devoting at least 3 hours to this, after which it must be wet cleaned. After 2 weeks, the procedure can be repeated, but the solution should be made up of 3 liters of water and 5 ml of Neostomazan.

Neostomozan from insects

There are a huge number of insect repellents that are simultaneously allowed to be used for treating apartments and pets. Thus, the Neostomozan remedy for fleas, cockroaches, bedbugs and other insects is not only universal, but also highly effective in use. The drug Neostomozan is used to treat an apartment - the floors should be washed with a diluted solution and areas infested with parasites should be cleaned. Simultaneously with cleaning the apartment, pets with fur are treated - this is necessary if there are fleas in the room and on the pet. Only a complex effect will help destroy this type of insect; in other cases, the animal will have to be removed from the apartment - more on this later in the article.

The drug Neostomozan is a yellow liquid, which is offered by manufacturers in ampoules. A solution is made from the proposed composition in the appropriate dosage and the surfaces are treated. The article will describe in detail the effects of the drug, methods of use, as well as precautions, since Neostomozan contains toxic substances, and improper use can provoke an allergic reaction in humans and even in the treated animal.

Why use Neostomosan

Neostomozan can kill not only fleas - the drug is effective in the fight against lice and lice-eaters, which also cause inconvenience to residents of an infested apartment. If we consider the drug Neostomozan in the treatment of animals, we can highlight such lesions as demodicosis, reproduction of ixodid ticks, infection with bloodsuckers and zoophilic flies.

Recommended video: Vet advice. How to choose flea and tick products

The principle of action of the drug is a nervous effect on various types of insects, as a result of which their death occurs within a few minutes. Although Neostomosan in low concentrations will not harm a person if the rules and regulations for use are followed, the treatment of the apartment itself should be carried out in the absence of small children and pets.

Practical advice: If you are afraid to use Neostomozan 5ml yourself to treat premises, it is better to use the services of specialists from the pest control service. Professionals know about all the intricacies of working with the drug Neostomozan, therefore they protect themselves to a greater extent from its effects.

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