Intavir for plants: composition and instructions for use

Intavir - instructions for use

Gardeners and housewives often suffer from harmful insects. Parasites take a liking to vegetable gardens and orchards and attack residential buildings. There are many products on the market to exterminate them, but experienced gardeners and agronomists recommend Intavir. This popular insecticide has a wide spectrum of action. Understand how to properly prepare and use the solution.

Intavir - insecticide

Properties of the drug

The active component of Intavir, when ingested, has a paralyzing effect on the body. Pests are affected by nerve endings, spasms and convulsions appear, which lead to death. The product is not dangerous for plants, but for humans, animals, and beneficial insects (bees, wasps, bumblebees), the toxicity of the composition is high.

Properties of Intavir

Use of Intavir

The use of Intavir is effective against insects; spraying of the substance is not recommended for prevention. Intavir works well against:

  • Garden pests and insects:
      carrot fly;
  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • leaf rollers;
  • leaf-cutting caterpillar;
  • sawyer;
  • potato moth and ladybug;
  • cabbage scoop and white cabbage;
  • sorrel leaf beetle;
  • codling moths;
  • aphids;
  • bedbugs;
  • thrips.

Application of Intavir in the garden

  • Insects in residential areas:
  • bedbugs;
  • fleas;
  • ants.
  • Pests of indoor plants.

Preparation of the solution

To use Intavir effectively, read the instructions. The diluted liquid has a pungent odor. Its action is influenced by the freshness of the solution and adherence to the preparation procedure:

  • The mixture is prepared in a well-ventilated area or in the fresh air.
  • 1 tablet (crush to quickly prepare the composition) should be dissolved in a small amount of water, then the volume should be increased to 10 liters.
  • If the treatment area is small, take half an Intavir tablet and 5 liters of water.

  • Preparation of Intavir

    Terms of use


    Instructions for use are presented directly on the packaging. One tablet is designed for 10 liters of water. To destroy each insect pest, its own concentration of the drug Intavir is required. For example, to kill cockroaches you need to dissolve 1 tablet in 0.3–0.6 liters of water. 10 liters of water is enough to treat an area of ​​100 square meters. m. This application rate is for processing the following crops:

    • Potatoes. To destroy the Colorado potato beetle and moth, the plant is treated with a solution from a spray bottle. The effect of the drug on the insect is observed after 20 minutes.


    “Intavir is not very effective against Colorado. In addition, it is quickly washed off with water. You can't guess with the weather. You have to process it several times. But against caterpillars, aphids are just right. The tablet takes a very long time to dissolve. I get tired of waiting. I do it differently. I grind it right in the package and then pour it into the water as a powder. There is always this drug on the farm!”

    • Apple trees, pears. 10 liters of Intavir solution per 1 tree. Treatment is carried out against codling moths, aphids, larch, flower beetle and other equally dangerous pests of fruit trees.


    “I process the trees every year. The drug inspires confidence. Of course, there are a lot of new ones, but I’ve gotten used to it. And why change if it copes with pests? I use it mostly in early spring. When all the pests are just starting to multiply. I am collecting a beautiful harvest for sale. The garden is big!”

    • Carrots, cabbage, beets. Intavir solution is prepared from the same ratio: 1 tablet per 10 liters of water. Treated against carrot flies, cutworms, and caterpillars. The effect of the drug on the insect is observed the very next day.


    “I really like this drug. It is not so strong, but it is just right for controlling pests that grow on beets, cabbage and carrots. The fruits do not suffer from the poison. Until it is necessary to prepare dishes from them, the insecticide will completely dissolve. I've been using it for over 10 years. I don’t use it to treat potatoes – it’s too weak for that!”

    • Currants, gooseberries. When processing, 1.5 liters are consumed per bush.
    • Garden and indoor flowers. The plant is taken outside or into a well-ventilated area. The drug Intavir fights against aphids, thrips, and mites.


    “Intavir helps against spider mites. Just before starting the procedure, you should cover the ground and treat the flower with a warm shower. Then apply the drug!”

    • Strawberry wild-strawberry. 1-2 tablets are dissolved in 10 liters. The same solution is prepared for processing greenhouse cucumbers, tomatoes and other crops.

    In any case, the Intavir solution must be fresh. Use immediately after preparation. Properties are lost when exposed to light and temperature. Instructions for use of the drug guarantee a positive result if all rules of use are followed. You should not spray the plant more than 3 times during the entire growth period. The solution should not be poured near bodies of water.

    Directions for use and dosage

    When applying, the concentration of the product, the type of pest, and the timing of treatment (depending on the type of crop) are important. Instructions for use of Intavir:

    To achieve maximum results, you should follow simple rules:

    • spraying Intavir on garden plants is carried out in the morning or evening;
    • the mixture is prepared in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area;
    • the composition should be applied evenly to the affected area and areas not affected by parasites;
    • When spraying indoor plants with Intavir or using the product in residential premises, it is necessary to limit the presence of pets and children near the treated area, and cover the aquarium with fish.

    Application in the garden

    The Intavir instructions state that the effectiveness of the drug is significantly reduced at temperatures above 25 degrees, so it must be used in the morning or evening.

    To protect pear, quince and apple trees, Intavir is used:

    Pest nameConsumption rate per 10 liters of waterProcessing period
    codling moth1 tablet (10 g) 7 days after flowering.

    Repeated spraying if necessary after 14 days

    Aphid1-2 tablets (10 g each) depending on the amount of pest Upon completion of flowering
    Flower beetle1 tablet (10 g)During budding
    leaf roller1 tablet (10 g)During the period of mass accumulation of caterpillars

    To treat strawberries, gooseberries and currants against a complex of pests, it is recommended to use Intavir at the rate of 1-1.5 tablets per bucket, depending on the criticality of the situation. The product must be used before mass flowering.

    For cherry flies, spraying on cherries and cherries is necessary during the period of fruit coloring, according to the instructions for use of Intavir.

    Intavir for ornamental plants

    To protect all vegetable and flower crops in open and closed ground, it is recommended to use an insecticide during the active growing season when there is a mass accumulation of insects. The consumption rate of Intavir according to the instructions is 1-2 tablets per liquid volume of 10 liters. Repeated spraying is possible after 2 weeks.

    "Intavir" is also effective in protecting grapes from leaf roller. In this case, to prepare an active solution, you need to dissolve 2 tablets of the product in 1 bucket of water. Spraying should be applied twice without fail: during the flowering period, during fruit set.

    Precautionary measures

    Intravir belongs to the third class of danger; the drug is moderately dangerous for humans and domestic animals, therefore, when working with the insecticide, safety precautions must be observed:

    • Do not treat flowers with the drug while they are blooming: Intavir is extremely toxic and dangerous for beneficial insects (bees, bumblebees).
    • The product is toxic for fish: the drug should not be used if there are bodies of water nearby.
    • When working with the mixture, you must wear protective clothing, boots, gloves, goggles, and a respirator.
    • While spraying with Intavir, you should not smoke, drink water, or eat.
    • At the end of working with the drug, you should rinse your mouth well, wash your hands and face with soap, and change into clean clothes.

    Remedies when using Intavir

    If the solution gets on your skin or eyes, rinse them several times with running water. If the drug gets into the stomach or is poisoned by Intavir, you must call an ambulance and immediately perform the following steps before the ambulance arrives:

    • rinse the mouth with a solution of potassium permanganate;
    • drink at least 1 liter of water and induce vomiting;
    • take a laxative;
    • take activated charcoal (6-8 tablets, depending on body weight) to remove toxins from the body.

    Negative impact on humans

    Like any toxin, Inta-vir requires extremely careful attention. However, its danger to humans is moderate, so you should not be afraid of working with the insecticide. The main harm comes from getting the solution into the stomach. This in most cases provokes severe intoxication.

    Processing plants will require generally accepted safety measures:

    • the body surface should be protected with a gown, goggles, medical mask and gloves;
    • It is best to wear rubber boots;
    • after work, clothes should be sent for washing;
    • You should wash your hands with soap and wash, making sure to rinse your mouth with potassium permanganate;
    • the sprayed room should be left for several hours and then ventilated.

    Usually, even if Inta-vir enters the human body, it does not cause severe poisoning. But it is still possible to feel worse.

    In no case should you ignore the first symptoms of intoxication, diarrhea and vomiting. If the poison gets into the gastrointestinal tract, it will not go away on its own. The victim will definitely need medical attention and possibly hospitalization.

    To provide first aid, you must do the following:

    1. The most important thing is to definitely call the doctors. Even poisoning from a moderately hazardous chemical can sometimes lead to serious consequences.
    2. First aid measures include gastric lavage by drinking several glasses of water and inducing vomiting.
    3. The victim should be washed with soap and rinsed with a low concentration solution of potassium permanganate.
    4. To eliminate the effects of intoxication in the body, you can take a laxative and activated carbon (6-8 tablets).

    In case of poisoning, the most important thing is to remove most of the toxin from the body as quickly as possible. The simplest safety measures make it possible to achieve this result and improve the condition of the poisoned person.

    Terms of sale and storage

    Pest repellent can be purchased at any flower or garden store. The shelf life of the packaged Intavir drug is up to 4 years from the date of manufacture. The product should be stored following the following rules:

    • storage air temperature – no more than 40 degrees.
    • an open pack of Intavir or the product in finished form cannot be stored;
    • keep the product away from food, medicines, and in a dark place inaccessible to animals and children.

    Features of use and storage

    To prepare ten liters of working solution you will need only one tablet of the substance. It is recommended to vigorously stir the water until the tablet is completely dissolved.

    In this form, the solution will be ready for working with insects. It is best to pour it into a spray bottle and spray thoroughly over the leaves of green crops. It is best to choose morning or evening for spraying, when the sun is less active. It is also worth considering that without wind you can achieve the best results in processing. The main condition for processing is that the foliage and stems of the plants must be very well moistened , remaining in this state for some time.

    The next procedure will be possible only after two weeks. It is recommended to use the substance a couple of times per season, replacing it with other insecticides in between, since it can become addictive in insects and stop working.

    Red ants, fleas, bed bugs, and cockroaches are easily exterminated with a solution prepared as follows:

    • For ants and other specified pests - 1 tablet/0.3−0.6 l of water.
    • For other insects - 1 tablet/0.7 l of water.

    For indoor plants, the breeding scheme is the same as for garden plants. However, it is worth noting that it is very difficult to use up ten liters of working solution at home. Therefore, the tablet can be divided into parts, and only an eighth of it can be used - 1 g. The resulting liter of solution can be used to treat all the plants in the apartment.

    Intavir should be stored out of the reach of children. In this case, the air temperature should be in the range from -100C to +450C. A package of a substance that has been stored for more than four years is considered unsuitable for use.


    The drug can be addictive in insects, so it should be replaced with other means. Analogs of Intavir are as follows:

    • Inta-Ts-M are water-soluble insecticidal tablets based on cypermethrin (affects the pest from the inside) and malathion (has a contact, intestinal, fumigation effect) from which a mother solution is prepared. The drug has a detrimental effect on 40 types of insect pests.

    Analog of Intavir - Inta-Ts-M

    • Alatar - the drug is available in the form of a concentrated emulsion, raspberry color, placed in an ampoule (5 ml volume) or in bottles (25 ml volume). The product provides good protection against garden and vegetable pests.

    Insecticide Alatar

    • Spark-double effect - tablets (weighing 10 g) with the active ingredients cypermethrin and permethrin. The product not only has a negative effect on the vital activity of garden and garden insect pests, but also helps the plant recover faster from damage.

    Iskra is an analogue of Intavir

    • Mashenka is an insecticidal chalk, shaped like a small block of gray-brown color. The drug consists of deltamethrin, zeta-cypermethrin, gypsum, chalk. The product is used against domestic pests (bugs, cockroaches, ants).

    Mashenka - chalk for pests

    You can buy Intavir at any gardening store; the cost of the product depends on the seller’s pricing policy:

    Why is Intavir dangerous? When can you pick fruits?

    The drug belongs to the “moderately dangerous” category, which means that if you follow the instructions for using Intavir, the substance should be safe. However, unfortunately, cases of poisoning still occur. Most often this happens due to a disregard for the rules of use. To prevent this from happening, you must not only observe all safety measures during crop processing, but also know and apply a number of other necessary conditions:

    1. Process fruit and vegetable crops before or after flowering. Cypermethrin contained in Intavir lasts on grass for up to 2 weeks, in light soil - up to 2-3 weeks, and in heavy loamy soils - up to 10 weeks. The fruits can be used for cooking no earlier than 20-30 days after processing. And the treatment itself is carried out no more than 2 times per season.
    2. Storage rules. It is necessary to exclude children and pets from accessing the drug. Young children are at particular risk. Since they spend more time on the floor of the house or on the grass, outside, they tend to touch objects more and taste them. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent children from coming into contact with surfaces treated with Intavir. Also, it is strictly forbidden to give processed fruits earlier than a month later.

    It is better to use Intavir in case of mass appearance of pests. For prevention, it is more advisable to use more gentle, environmentally friendly treatment solutions. Intavir is toxic to fish, so it should not be used near water bodies. And when processing at home, the aquarium is covered with protective glass and the compressor must be turned off. If there is an apiary on the garden plot, then it is necessary to limit the flight of bees for 5-6 days.

    When treating indoor plants with Intavir, you need to remove all products and personal belongings located in the room. And if this is not possible, then everything is hermetically packed in plastic bags. There should be no children or pets at home. And after work, general cleaning and ventilation are required.

    Intavir is a fairly effective means of protecting plants and crops. You can’t do without it if there are a lot of insect pests. But it is very important to strictly follow the rules of use indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. Only then can you be sure that the products grown are safe for your own health.


    Author: Igor February 21, 2021 Category: Insecticides

    Since ancient times, humanity has used the insecticidal properties of some plants to protect crops from pests. Dried flowers of pyrethrum - Dalmatian chamomile - were also used for this purpose. Modern science has synthesized artificial substances that have the same properties as pyrethrum and created the insecticide Inta-Vir, which has a much stronger effect on pests than dry pyrethrum flowers.

    If you are looking for a means of controlling Coleoptera, Homoptera, Lepidoptera pests in open ground and in a greenhouse, then Inta-Vir meets all these requirements. You will learn about the properties of the drug, how to use it and precautions when working with Inta-Vir from this article.

    Effect of the drug

    Pyrethroid Inta-Vir can be used both in personal gardens and summer cottages, as well as on farms. It is an insecticide and pesticide of enteric contact action, the active substance of which is cypermethrin. The drug is produced in tablets of 8 g. Cypermethrin, upon direct contact or after entering the digestive organs of pests, quickly paralyzes their nervous system, the insects cannot feed and die after 2-3 days. The drug is effective against:

    In total, the insecticide affects about 50 species of pests. The protective effect of Inta-Vir lasts 10-15 days.

    Analogs of the drug to one degree or another are Tsinoff, Sherpa, Tsitkor, Tsipershans, Arrivo, Tsimbush, Microtsin, Nurep and Ripcord.

    Instructions for use Inta-Vir

    Dissolve 1 tablet of the drug in a small amount of water, and then, adding water and constantly stirring the composition, bring the volume of the working solution to the recommended volume. Spray the plants thoroughly, using the freshly prepared solution. Treatment is carried out in the evening or in the morning in calm weather. The maximum number of treatments with Inta-Vir is 3, however, in order to avoid the development of resistance in pests, the third treatment, if necessary, is better done with a preparation with a different active substance.

    It is necessary to treat plants with Inta-Vir only after the appearance of pests, since it has a therapeutic, but not a preventive effect. The apartment is sprayed against cockroaches by dissolving an Inta-Vira tablet in 300-500 ml of water. For fleas, red ants, bed bugs and other domestic insects, the apartment is treated with a solution of 1 tablet of the drug in 600 ml of water.

    Consumption rates

    An initial study of the instructions included in each package of Intavir will help a person avoid making mistakes when using the drug. The insecticide is dangerous to human and animal health.

    Exceeding dosages will not bring the expected result. Hence the need to know the exact doses, breeding and use rules for each type of plant and type of pest.

    Any type of work can be carried out only after purchasing protective equipment. After the event, hands and face are washed with soap. Rubber shoes and a respirator are required. Even if treated against ants.

    The standard solution is to dilute 1-2 tablets in 10 liters of water. But the rules are provided for each type of plant and type of pest separately. The finished solution is cloudy and has a characteristic odor, but not strong. After application it disappears.

    It must be applied immediately after dissolving the powder or tablets (crush to obtain a powder mass before stirring). Apply evenly to the surface of the plant.

    The timing, dosage is indicated on the package, the instructions for use of Intavir take into account all the nuances of use.

    Characteristics of the drug

    Inta-vir insecticide is used to exterminate:

    • common and red gall aphids;
    • a pest called “cabbage whiting”;
    • insect apple blossom beetle;
    • leaf rollers;
    • potato moth;
    • carrot fly.

    This drug is also used to combat domestic cockroaches; it helps against onion flies, mole crickets, Colorado potato beetles and cruciferous flea beetles. Intavir is allowed to be used in combination with other pesticides.

    Ask and receive useful advice from professional gardeners and experienced summer residents.>>

    The plants themselves do not suffer from the effects of the chemical insecticide, but it is not recommended to use it unless absolutely necessary or as a preventative treatment. Beneficial insects that pollinate flower stalks may suffer along with harmful ones.

    Composition and properties of the drug Intavir

    One of these drugs is Intavir - an insecticide that can have an intestinal contact effect on all kinds of pests, be it aphids, thrips, flies, weevils, codling moths, Colorado potato beetles, mealybugs, cutworms, cabbage whites, potato moths, carrot flies, etc. It makes no sense to list all insects, since the broad action of the product gives effective results with at least 52 of their species.

    The manufacturer of the insecticide managed to achieve this effect due to the universal composition of the drug, the main active ingredient of which is cypermethrin. The concentration of this substance, 37.5 g/kg, is such that even in one treatment it is possible to get rid of most of the pests without serious damage to the health of the person carrying out the treatment. And all because Intavir was assigned hazard class III according to the international classification, as a result of which the product is officially considered moderately toxic.

    As for the release form, currently in pharmacies you can find powder or easily soluble in water tablets weighing 8 g. Regardless of this feature, Intavir has one method of use, as well as its purpose, which comes down to pest control and prevention their appearance.

    Analogues of Inta-vir

    This is not the only drug on the market that can cope with pests of home plants and garden crops. Among the insecticides of this class are:

    1. Alatar – suitable for processing apple trees, cabbage, potatoes, onions, strawberries, currants, ornamental and flower crops.
    2. Arrivo is a means for controlling pests on potatoes, melons, watermelons, beets, and grapes.
    3. Spark - used against caterpillars, colorado larvae, aphids, weevils and other pests.
    4. Shar Pei - helps get rid of pests on cabbage, apple trees, and grapes.

    Intavir against aphids can be mixed with other chemicals, for example, this product is compatible with the following insecticides: Fufanon, Hom, Zircon, Ridomil and others. The amount of Intavir in the mixture must be reduced.

    Consumption rates for the drug to protect various crops

    Instructions for use of Intavir are printed on each package of insect control product:

    1. Dissolve 1 tablet in 7-10 liters of water.
    2. Apply the solution to crops infected with pests, as well as clean ones growing in the neighborhood.
    3. Secondary treatment is done if the pests have not died. At least 15 days must pass between procedures.

    The insecticide cannot be used for preventive treatment of garden and vegetable crops, as well as at home. Inta-vir is intended only for the destruction of large concentrations of pests.

    1. To treat one apple or pear tree against leaf rollers, aphids and codling moths, you will need 8-10 liters of solution.
    2. You can treat plantings of strawberries, strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes against weevils, aphids and whiteflies with 1.5 liters of ready-made solution per 1m2.
    3. Potatoes, beets, carrots and cabbage are sprayed with the preparation based on 10 liters per 100m2.
    4. A cherry tree will require 2.5 liters of product.
    5. A liter of prepared product is enough for currant and gooseberry bushes.

    Inta-vir is easily washed off by precipitation, so spraying the garden and garden plants should be carried out in dry weather. It is recommended to choose morning, evening or spray twice in one day. Secondary treatment is carried out if the pests have not died. At least 15 days must pass between procedures.

    Spraying is done three times a season after the plants have bloomed. The last treatment can be a maximum of 20 days before harvesting vegetables and fruits.

    If the use of this product does not affect the number of pests, then you should choose another drug. If you need to spray houseplants, do this in a strictly ventilated room or on the balcony.

    For indoor flowers

    Intavir and indoor plants

    When using an insecticide at home, there are certain limitations that you need to pay attention to. This is due to the fact that Intavir is a hazard class 3 drug, and therefore its effect is enhanced indoors.

    To prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to first remove pets from the room and tightly cover the aquarium.

    It is recommended to treat indoor flowers according to the instructions for use of Intavir against such common pests as whiteflies, thrips, aphids, and leaf rollers. To do this, you need to prepare an active solution: 1 tablet per 10 liters of water.

    The product should be sprayed evenly over the leaves and shoots of both affected plants and those without signs of pests. 1 hour after treatment, the room should be ventilated.

    Security measures

    The drug is a chemical analogue of natural insecticides. Intavir is dangerous for people, so it must be handled with extreme care. Although the insecticide does not cause severe poisoning, it is toxic. If the product gets into the respiratory tract, poisoning may occur, the symptoms of which will be dizziness, diarrhea and vomiting. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with a solution of potassium permanganate and wash thoroughly.

    In order not to harm yourself and others, garden processing should be carried out in protective clothing, a mask (medical) or a respirator, rubber gloves and boots. If the treatment is carried out at home or in a greenhouse, the premises must be ventilated after a few hours.

    Reviews about the drug

    Its use is effective in controlling pests in garden plots.

    Ekaterina Semenovna Galtseva, Volgograd:

    I treat all plantings with Intavir. Peppers, eggplants, radishes, even roses. It does not get rid of pests forever, but it does deal with fleas, aphids and whiteflies.

    Alexander Ivanovich Petrov, Kursk region:

    I use it no more than twice a season. Helps better than any traditional methods. I recommend it for processing plums.

    However, there is another opinion about this remedy:

    Storage rules

    Inta-vir should be stored sealed at a temperature from -10 to +40 0 C in a closed, dark and moisture-proof room. You can open the tablet only before diluting it in water for direct processing. Leaving the package open and storing Inta-vir in this form is strictly prohibited! The drug tablet releases toxins into the air. Keep away from children and animals. The packaging is not thrown into the household waste bin, but is disposed of: burned or buried in the ground.

    Sources: -udobreniya/inta-vir-instruktsiya-po-primeneniyu-otchego-pomogaet-i-otzyvy.html
    Article on the topic: The use of activated carbon on seedlings, in soil and during cuttings

    First aid

    In case of poisoning with the drug, you must immediately provide first aid to the victim, and then immediately consult a doctor!

    • How to use Zircon in the countryside

    If the drug gets inside, rinse your mouth with water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, drink 15-20 g of activated charcoal with several glasses of water and take a mineral laxative. If symptoms of poisoning do not disappear after a while, consult a poison control center.

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