ALL ABOUT TICKS: 5 important facts about ticks
Everyone has a general idea of ​​how dangerous ticks are, but rarely does anyone have a relatively complete understanding
Fitoverm against whitefly
Features of the drug Fitoverm Fitoverm is a modern insectoacaricide with a different contact-intestinal spectrum of action. Thanks to
Tick-borne encephalitis 2020 - tick photo
Who needs a prognosis for tick-borne encephalitis?
According to official statistics, about 2 thousand people fall ill with tick-borne encephalitis in Russia every year. How
Incubation period after a tick bite in humans
Often a pleasant walk in the forest or park with a great mood can lead to
How to get rid of rat mites in an apartment
General information and life cycle In science, the parasites are called gamas mites. In their apartment
hornet eats an apple
Black wasps, description and difference of this species
Why do insects imitate wasps? Wasps are forced to hunt in order to feed and raise their offspring.
immunoglobulin for tick bites
Immunoglobulin for tick bites: benefits and harms for children
General information about ticks There are more than 40,000 species of ticks, most of which feed
demodex eye
Demodicosis of the eyelids and its treatment
What is demodicosis of the eyes? The development of demodicosis provokes the active reproduction of microscopic mites. Its dimensions are not
Tick ​​season: how to protect yourself, what to look out for, as well as myths and truth about blood-sucking ticks
Habitats of dangerous neighbors Ticks belong to the most ancient group of arthropods on Earth. World
Demodicosis of the scalp: causes, treatment
What causes the disease The subcutaneous mite lives almost constantly on a person’s head, but