Instructions for using the drug Raid to control bedbugs in the house

Active substances and mechanism of action

The popular product contains three active substances that work in a complex manner.
These are cypermethrin, prallethrin, imiprothrin, the latter component is one of the newest substances and began to be used not so long ago, but in a short period of time it has become quite popular due to its effective effects. It is used in the fight against many pests. The active substances are aimed at damaging the nervous system of the parasite. When an insecticide comes into contact with an insect, the chemicals attack protein compounds, significantly slowing down synthesis. Next, the nervous and autonomic systems are affected, paralysis and then death occur.

The product can enter the insect's body in two ways. The first is direct contact. If a bug comes into contact with a chemical, the product adheres to the chitinous covering and is then absorbed into the body. The second is the respiratory tract. In this case, the insect inhales the aerosol, which settles on the mucous membrane, and the chemicals penetrate the body. The second option significantly speeds up the time of exposure to the poison.

It should be said that the insecticide is capable of completely destroying the larvae, but, unfortunately, it is absolutely safe for eggs. Therefore, after 2 weeks it is necessary to repeat the treatment of the room in order to destroy young individuals.

Reid for bedbugs - composition

If in the fight against parasites you have chosen the drug Raid for bedbugs, you need to familiarize yourself with the active substances in the working mixture. What poisons that have a detrimental effect on insects does the aerosol contain?

  • Cypermethrin – insecticide of the peritroid group (0.1%), racemic mixture;
  • Prallethrin – similar in action and properties to cypermethrin, belongs to the same group (0.03%);
  • Imiprothrin (0.01%) is a relatively new substance, but it has proven itself in the fight against cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, as well as many crop pests; unlike the above mixtures, it has an immediate effect.

Spray Raid

Release forms

If you want to use this product at home on your own, without the help of specialists, then it would be correct to purchase an aerosol. A fairly large container with a spray nozzle. Using a sprayer, you can treat a large area with a minimum of effort; in addition, you can treat hard-to-reach areas. After spraying the product, it will last for at least two weeks.

There are also all kinds of traps and gels on sale, but they are completely unsuitable for fighting bedbugs, since they are not effective against these pests. They are popular against ants and cockroaches, and according to consumer reviews, they show good results.

How to use an aerosol correctly

Like most bedbug remedies, raid is a toxic substance, which means that it must be used with the utmost caution. When processing the premises, safety precautions must be observed.

To ensure that the substance brings maximum effect and does not harm your health, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • During the procedure, you must close the windows to avoid any draft. In addition, the treatment should be carried out with the doors of the rooms closed, so that there is no active air circulation during the spraying of the aerosol.
  • The can should be kept at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from the surface to be treated. This distance will allow the substance to be evenly distributed over the surface and the correct concentration of chemicals will be maintained.
  • You should treat the places where, in your opinion, their nests are located. It is quite simple to identify such places, where they accumulate, you will see traces in the form of small dots, in addition, often there will be a chitinous shell there.
  • Pay attention to places such as baseboards around the entire perimeter of the room, the back walls of furniture, radiators, and window sills.
  • When the procedure is completed, you must leave your home for about 20 minutes, but leave the windows and doors closed.
  • When you return home, you need to ventilate the room well.

Security measures

  • Be sure to use protective equipment. When working with the spray, you must wear gloves, a respirator and goggles. Remember these are chemicals and you should protect yourself.
  • There should be no other people in the room where the treatment is carried out.
  • Animals are not allowed in the room during the procedure; they are also susceptible to chemicals.
  • After the procedure, you need to change clothes, take a shower, and wash your clothes.

Avoid inhalation of the substance as this may cause toxicity.

Instructions for use

Aerosols are considered the most convenient to use. The drug of the required concentration in the bottle in finished form. There is no need to look for a container for diluting the concentrate; a special spray bottle is not required. Before starting work, you need to remove the cap and shake the bottle well. The product is ready for use.

  • The bottle must be held at arm's length. There should be a distance of 20 cm to the surface. At this distance, the active substance is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the treated surface.
  • Initially, you should treat the places where bedbugs were found, especially the nest. Then all furniture, walls, floors, and ceilings are disinfected. The raid leaves no marks, streaks, and does not spoil the structure of fabric or wood. Can be safely applied to any type of coating.
  • Disinsection is carried out with the windows closed. It is advisable to take care of the airtightness of the room so that parasites do not escape to the neighbors. Firstly, other people will suffer, and secondly, there is a possibility that the bedbugs will return again.
  • Immediately after disinsection of the room, you need to leave it closed for exposure for 2 hours. The same amount will be required for quality ventilation. The smallest particles of insecticide can float in the air for a long time. If you ignore ventilation, you can get a mild degree of poisoning.

There should be no pets or other people in the room. The aquarium should be tightly closed with a lid. Bedding is not treated with Reid. They should first be removed and sent for washing. The sofa, bed, rear furniture, carpets, parquet, wallpaper, baseboards are treated with special attention.

Main characteristics of the product

Anti-bed bugs are used for mild to moderate infestations. The drug contains pyrethroids. When used correctly, insects do not develop resistance. Bedbugs can survive exposure to the insecticide if it is used frequently. The product is relatively safe for humans, since its toxicity level is low.

Some of the types

Reid preparations contain flavorings. Such components allow you to mask the smell of a toxic substance.


Different types of products produced under this brand differ in the type of active ingredients. For example, the composition of a universal drug with lavender aroma:

  • cypermethrin – 0.1%;
  • prallethrin – 0.03%;
  • imiprotrine – 0.031%.

Another type of product contains cyfluthrin - 0.015%, imiprotrin - 0.05% and the same amount of prallethrin. This remedy is used against flying and crawling insects. Its advantage lies in the pleasant aroma of meadow herbs.

The drug, whose effect is aimed at crawling insects, contains cypermethrin and imiprothrin in the same dosage - 0.1%. The gel differs in composition. It is characterized by the aroma of cedar. Contains transfluthrin (0.15%). Traps contain abamectin, S-hydroprene.

There is a RAID remedy for bedbugs and fleas

Effect of the drug

When using Raid anti-bedbug products to treat an apartment or house, you need to take into account the properties of the active components. This brand of drugs contains pyrethroids. These are insecticides with a moderate odor and light color.

The mechanism of action is based on the ability of the substance to affect the nervous system of insects.

This occurs due to dysfunction of the sodium channels of nerve cells. As a result, the conductivity of impulses decreases, which increases excitability. In this case, the bug loses the ability to control the body: it cannot move, suck blood, or reproduce. Soon he dies.

For development

Pathological processes often take from several hours to 1 day.

The rate of pest destruction depends on the dosage of the active substance. But this does not mean that it is necessary to increase the amount of insecticide many times over, which will lead to the development of insect resistance to poisons. It is enough to treat the room with a toxic substance in the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

When surfaces are treated with an aerosol, part of the fine suspension that is released from the sprayer enters the air. However, the particles are quite large, so they quickly settle on the surface. This helps the parasites die after contact with the poison.

Reid for bedbugs

has the property of penetrating through the integument of the insect, enters the body, and begins to affect nerve cells, which leads to the development of irreversible processes.

The insecticide also penetrates through the respiratory system. But, in this way, a small amount of poison enters the insect’s body, since the particles quickly settle on the surface when sprayed. When the insecticide enters the hemolymph in different ways at once, the rate of destruction of parasites increases.

How effective is Raid against bedbugs?

When choosing a remedy for blood-sucking insects of this type, it is necessary to take into account that they feed only on the blood of warm-blooded creatures.

This means that insects do not pay attention to any bait, unless we are talking about pheromones, but such substances are not used in Raid products for bedbugs. To kill insects, it is necessary to spray the substance in places where they occur.

For this reason, the most effective of the mari products is the aerosol. Other Raid products are less effective, since they do not allow covering all surfaces with a toxic substance. As a result, insects do not often come into contact with the poison, which leads to a slowdown in the process of destroying pests.

Bedbug raid - rules of application and safety, composition, price

To exterminate bedbugs in an apartment or house, preparations from the Reid line are widely used. This is due to its ease of use, as well as its effectiveness against crawling and flying insects. Bedbugs are tenacious parasites and fighting them is not an easy task.

Articles on the topic Disinfestation of an apartment from bedbugs Bedbug repeller Forsythe drug for bedbugs Composition of the drug

Insect Raid is a universal insecticide used against any insects that may settle in a house or apartment. Raid's composition includes 3 active ingredients and additives to prevent separation and mask the odor. Description of active ingredients:

  • Cypermethrin. An insecticide belonging to the group of pyrethroids. It is an enteric contact pesticide for insects. If an adult parasite or larva enters the body, it can cause paralysis. Cypermethrin remains active after application for one month, because It is resistant to ultraviolet radiation. Bedbugs cannot develop resistance to this poison even after several treatments.
  • Prallethrin. Synthetic pyrethroid with a broad spectrum of action. Highly toxic to flying insects, but bedbugs are fairly resistant to pralletrin.
  • Imiprotrine. Another insecticide that effectively enhances the action of other pyrethroids. It has an instant effect, but its activity lasts for about 2 hours after treatment.

How does Raid work against bedbugs?

The substances included in Reid help cypermethrin adhere tightly to the treated surface. The effectiveness of a drug is judged by its residual effect. More details about the properties and mechanism of action:

  • Raid has a nerve-paralytic effect, and the poison itself is part of the group of contact-intestinal drugs.
    Get from bedbugs: instructions and reviews Clean house from bedbugs: insect repellents and reviews Dichlorvos for fleas This means that the toxic substance has an effect on bedbugs if an adult or larva simply runs over the treated surfaces. The insecticide, getting on the chitinous shell or legs of the bug, begins to gradually destroy its nervous system.
  • The product begins to spread virally. Once one bug gets on the body, it does not kill the infected insect immediately. It comes into contact with other individuals and infects them - bedbugs live in unorganized colonies and are in close contact with each other. One bug that comes into contact with poison causes the death of dozens of relatives.
  • The raid is able to retain its properties for approximately 15 days after application. During this time, most of the individuals in the bedbug colony manage to receive a dose of poison. If the degree of infestation of the living space is low, you can get rid of parasites in one treatment.

Indications for use
Raid against bedbugs affects both adult individuals and those in the larval stage. The effectiveness of the product will increase significantly if you apply the drug directly to the nest. The aerosol has absolutely no effect on eggs - the embryos will continue their full development and after some time a new generation of parasites will appear. In this case, re-processing will be required. Disinsection should be carried out by spraying Raid on the following surfaces:

  • skirting boards;
  • interior designs of bedroom furniture;
  • the inside of mattresses;
  • soft upholstery of sofas (the aerosol does not leave stains on the fabric);
  • all the cracks on the floor, walls;
  • door frame perimeter;
  • the back walls of furniture, and in case of severe infection - the internal surfaces of cabinets;
  • place under the windowsill.

An effective remedy for bedbugs How to get rid of bedbugs at home yourself Disinfestation of an apartment from bedbugs How to use Raid spray for bedbugs Treating your home with
Raid is not difficult, the main thing is to properly prepare the room and take precautions. Detailed instructions:

  • Wearing a mask and gloves, shake the aerosol can thoroughly and begin spraying. Treat all those places where bedbugs are most likely to live: the back surface of cabinets, bedside tables, upholstered furniture, crevices, etc.
  • Raid should be sprayed generously. Processing one square meter should take at least 5 seconds.
  • To prevent the fight against parasites from being in vain, pay special attention to corners, baseboards and places where the wallpaper has begun to peel.
  • After the treatment, leave the apartment for at least 3 hours. Close all windows first.
  • After the allotted time has passed, organize through ventilation. Wash all surfaces that you will come into contact with with a solution of baking soda and soap. It is not necessary to wash the back surfaces of furniture, baseboards and other hard-to-reach places - this will extend the life of the Reid drug. For maximum effect, the product does not need to be washed off for about 2 weeks - the exception is contact surfaces.

  • Preparing the room for treatment
    Perform several preparatory measures before spraying the aerosol. More details about them:

  • Carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the entire house. Wipe off dust, wash floors and vacuum, paying special attention to corners, baseboards, and under the bed.
  • Move all furniture away from the walls to provide easy access to its back walls and baseboards.
  • Remove all decor from the walls, including carpets. There may be larvae and eggs behind wall pictures. If you notice a clutch of eggs, remove it with a vacuum cleaner, and then treat the area with an aerosol.
  • Remove soft parts from beds and sofas. Wash bed linen at a temperature of 60°C. This temperature regime is detrimental to bedbugs and their offspring. Have your blankets and pillows dry cleaned.
  • Beds, sofas and armchairs, which are favorite places for insects, need to be disassembled and thoroughly treated with a disinfectant.
  • Safety rules and precautions

    A small concentration of the product is not dangerous to human and animal health, but take into account the individual characteristics of the body. Please note that allergy sufferers are more sensitive to the components of Reid. Follow the basic rules of protection:

  • Wear gloves, safety glasses, a mask and long sleeves. When treating a large room where you are expected to stay for a long time, use a respirator - this way you will avoid allergic reactions due to small droplets entering the respiratory tract.
  • Dishes, children's toys, and bed linen must be packed in a bag so that harmful substances do not come into contact with them. Treat all these things with steam or hot water.
  • Spray Raid with windows open. There should be no people or pets in the rooms during disinfestation. If you have a terrarium or aquarium, cover it. The aquarium compressor must be turned off.
  • You need to hold the bottle with the product at arm's length at a distance of 30 cm from the treatment site. Spray specific insect habitats, because... There is no point in spraying an aerosol into the air.
  • Do not leave Raid cylinders in direct sunlight. Do not spray it near open fires or other heating devices.

Advantages of the drug:

  • Easy to use. You don’t have to prepare the solution yourself and look for a suitable container for spraying.
  • Versatility and good effectiveness against crawling and flying insects.
  • The product does not cause harm to the health of people or pets, provided that precautions are taken.
  • Thanks to the optimal combination of active components, the composition remains on the treated surfaces for a long time. This increases the effectiveness of the drug.

Anti-bed bugs also have some disadvantages:

  • The drug is not narrowly targeted. The manufacturer indicates that Raid is intended to kill all types of insects.
  • When there is a large accumulation of bedbugs, it becomes necessary to re-treat the infected surfaces.
  • The presence of a pronounced odor that does not disappear for a long time.
  • An oil residue may remain after application.



Oleg, 29 years old

Bedbugs literally occupied the furniture in one of the rooms. I used Raid, but I will say that the effectiveness is generally average. I would like to note the convenience and ease of use. The product didn't leave any stains, but I really didn't like the smell.

Nikolay, 33 years old

To get rid of bedbugs, on the advice of friends, I bought Reid. I didn’t have to prepare any solution, which was very pleasing. The aerosol is easy to apply, but I had to wear safety glasses, a mask, etc. I consider the lack of a narrow focus to be a disadvantage.


Advantages and disadvantages

Aerosol Raid is widely used among consumers, as it has many advantages:

  • effectiveness - with direct exposure to the composition, the death of the bug after treatment occurs within an hour, upon contact - within 20-40 hours;
  • wide spectrum of action - the product is effective against all flying and crawling insects;
  • relative safety - if the rules of use are followed, the insecticidal composition will not harm human health;
  • residual effect - after treating the room, the active substances continue to affect insects for two weeks;
  • simple and convenient method of use that does not require additional ingredients or preparatory work;
  • economical consumption - one cylinder is designed to treat an area of ​​20 square meters. m;
  • affordable cost - the price of Raid against bedbugs is about 200 rubles.

The disadvantages of the Reid aerosol include its versatility, due to which the result of exterminating bedbugs is much lower than that of a highly specialized product. This is why there is often a need for re-processing. It should also be taken into account that the product acts on adults and larvae, but does not have a detrimental effect on bedbug eggs.

On a note!

The disadvantages of the toxic composition also include a rather unpleasant pungent odor and an oily coating that remains on surfaces after treatment. To get rid of the latter, use a soap-soda solution.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

The manufacturer in the instructions for the Reid aerosol indicates that it is effective against all flying and crawling insects. This is confirmed by positive reviews from many consumers. Another undeniable advantage is the ease of use of this product. But, like any other insecticide, Reid also has its downsides:

  • The spray is scented, but despite this, it has a very pungent and heavy aroma. At the same time, it quickly erodes, which, in turn, is another plus;
  • the surfaces after treatment are covered with an oily film, which can only be removed with a soap-soda solution;
  • the drug is ineffective against large concentrations of bedbugs, and can give a positive result only when the room is slightly infested.

Undoubtedly, the drug Reid will become indispensable for an integrated approach to the problem of exterminating bedbugs or in the case when you know exactly where their nest is located. In other situations, it is better to turn to professional exterminators, who will completely destroy the annoying parasites in a short time and without investing labor costs on your part.

What you should know

Raid aerosol for insect control

Despite the relative safety of the Reid product, it must be used with extreme caution, following the recommendations prescribed by the manufacturer.

  1. It is unacceptable to treat the premises against bedbugs with the aerosol agent Reid in the absence of personal protective equipment (maximum closed clothing, a respirator, safety glasses and rubber gloves).
  2. Disinsection of the premises is carried out with the windows open.
  3. The presence of children and pets during treatment is contraindicated.
  4. In the room where the treatment will be carried out, food, dishes, personal hygiene products, bedding, children's clothes and toys should not be in the public domain.
  5. At the end of the procedure, you should thoroughly wash and rinse your mouth.

Preparatory activities

Treatment of the room will have a guaranteed result if it is carried out efficiently and in accordance with the recommendations specified in the description (instructions for using Raid against bedbugs are available on each bottle). Therefore, the first thing to do is to prepare the area for disinfestation.

  1. Carry out wet cleaning.
  2. If possible, move the furniture away from the wall, providing free passage to its back and baseboards. Disassemble the bed, making access to the internal mechanism of the structure.
  3. Free the walls from decor, since paintings, mirrors and photographs very often serve as favorite habitats for domestic bugs.
  4. Wash bedding at maximum temperature and heat treatment. To clean warm blankets, it is preferable to use dry cleaning services or treat them with a steam generator.

Instructions for use of Reid spray

Raid bedbug spray is a toxic substance. To avoid health problems and achieve maximum effectiveness, you must follow the instructions exactly.

  • The use of Raid indoors is carried out only in isolated rooms - windows and doors must be closed and prevent active air circulation;
  • Uniform distribution of the product and the required concentration are achieved due to the standard distance of the can and the surface of 20-30 cm.
  • It is worth pre-treating the nests and possible suspected locations of bedbugs.
  • Pay attention to cracks in the floor and walls, the space between baseboards, the backs of cabinets and the backs of sofas, other upholstered furniture, and cabinets.
  • After completing all stages of killing bedbugs, it is necessary to close the space for 20 minutes, and then ventilate.

Does Raid help against bedbugs - reviews

There is no clear answer to how effective Raid is against bedbugs. Reviews from people who have tried this insecticide are individual: for some, Raid helped, for others, it turned out to be useless.

Konstantin, 47 years old, Kemerovo:

We bought a completely new house, I can’t even imagine where the bedbugs came from. I accidentally saw Reid in a hardware store, fortunately, it was inexpensive - I bought it. They treated it - the stench was terrible for more than a week. Then the bedbugs appeared again and we treated it again. On the third resurrection, he gave up and ordered a team of exterminators; the breeding ground turned out to be in a crack behind the kitchen cabinets. This is understandable - I didn’t look there when I was poisoning.

Valentina Olegovna, 64 years old, Krasnoyarsk:

I took Reid - I have a small house, one can was enough. But a month later the bugs appeared again, I treated them a second time. Everything would be fine, but there are too many disadvantages - an unpleasant smell and a short-term effect. Plus, every time I have to take dishes out of the house, which I have too much of.

Roman, 30 years old, Irkutsk:

I live in an old high-rise building - someone is always starting me up. Either rats will run through the ventilation, or bedbugs from alcoholic neighbors. I poisoned it with Reid, but discovered significant drawbacks - the need to treat adjacent rooms in my case and a short period of action, after which I have to do everything again. I collected signatures from the neighbors - the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station specialists quickly and in one go destroyed all the living creatures in the entrance, I am satisfied.

The effectiveness of the insecticide Reid

From the entire range of means for exterminating bedbugs, one excellent product can be distinguished - Raid aerosol for bedbugs. An insecticide with excellent characteristics. It is used against all insects that appear in residential buildings and spoil people's lives.

The bug is a very viable creature. It quickly adapts to any conditions, developing stable immunity to poisons. If the degree of infection is small, the proposed Reid product will do its job perfectly.

The Reid brand is one of the pioneers in the production of toxic substances for the destruction of bedbugs. The products of this company have won a leading position in the market. Reid cans are not only effective due to their constituent ingredients, but are also very convenient to use.

When a problem such as bedbugs appears in the house, an aerosol preparation is an indispensable means of extermination. Rescue aerosol can be purchased at any trade organization. It is available to everyone. Low cost, ease of use, convenient packaging in the form of a spray can.

Packaging cans are considered very simple and less dangerous insecticides for killing bedbugs. To independently fight blood-sucking insects you do not need any special knowledge or special training. On the side of the can there are detailed and accessible instructions for using the sprayer, which is why it is very popular among the population.

The aerosol is used in the fight against all crawling insects. The composition of the drug includes solvents, shock absorbers, insecticides such as imiprotrin, prallethrin. The potent substance is cypermethrin. This is one of the substances that has the ability to paralyze the nervous system of bedbugs.

By touching a surface treated with Reid, the bug instantly absorbs toxic substances and retreats into the nest, transferring the virus to other relatives. The entire family of bedbugs dies after a while. One peddler destroys all his kind.

The Reid aerosol contains special substances that help cypermethrin stay on the treated surface for a long time and help kill bedbugs. Not a single insect will bother you with its bites anymore.

Composition and properties

Raid is a universal insecticide; it can be used against any insects that settle in houses and apartments.

Advice! It is recommended to use Raid against bedbugs if the degree of infestation of the premises is low. It is better to treat heavily infested apartments with highly targeted drugs designed specifically to combat bedbugs.

The drug contains three active components and additional additives that are used to mask the odor and prevent delamination. Active Ingredients:

  • Cypermethrin is an insecticide from the pyrethroid group. It is an intestinal contact poison for insects; if it enters the body of an adult or larva, it causes paralysis. Remains active after application for a month, as it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation. Bedbugs do not develop resistance to cypermethrin even with repeated treatments.
  • Prallethrin. This substance is a synthetic pyrethroid with a broad spectrum of action. It is highly toxic to flying insects, but bedbugs are quite resistant to this insecticide.

An example of Raid for bedbugs

  • Imiprotrine. Another modern insecticide that effectively enhances the effect of other pyrethroids.

Precautionary measures

The insecticide Reid must be used extremely carefully.

Despite its safety, the recommended rules should be followed:

  • Since this is still a chemical product, you should wear protective clothing, rubber gloves, a gauze bandage and goggles when treating with Reid.
  • Open windows while treating bedbug habitats.
  • Animals and people should be kept away from the premises.
  • During spraying, cutlery and food items should be removed.
  • After covering the surfaces with Raid anti-bedbug aerosol, you must wash thoroughly with soap and rinse your mouth.
  • Spraying bedbug repellent near an open fire is contraindicated.
  • After treatment, you need to leave your home for a while to allow the treated surfaces to dry and the rooms to be ventilated.

Treating the premises with Reid

The Raid insecticide for killing bedbugs requires some operating rules. If you strictly follow all the recommendations, surface treatment will take place without unpleasant consequences in the form of mild illness.

  • Before purchasing a sprayer, you should roughly estimate how much insecticide is needed to treat the room.
  • If there is no intention to use the entire can at once, it should be stored in an inaccessible place away from children and animals.
  • Before you begin treatment with the Reid bedbug killer, you should remove all wardrobe items, bedding, and fresh flowers from the room. Remove pets. People prone to allergies, pregnant women or small children will definitely not be able to help the process of destroying bloodsuckers.
  • Furniture is moved away from the walls and covered with film or thick fabric.
  • If you know where bedbugs nest, this place should be treated with Raid especially carefully.
  • All windows in the house should be opened. Interior doors close tightly.
  • Before use, the Reid can is shaken several times so that all substances are mixed and form a homogeneous mass.
  • It is recommended to spray at arm's length and for no more than two seconds in one area.

Now we know for certain that Reid is an excellent quality remedy for bedbugs.

Even more ways to get rid of insects in the video:

Raid instructions for use

Like all insecticides, Raid is a poison, and when using it, be sure to use at least minimal personal protective equipment. Be sure to use safety glasses, a respirator, and a face mask. Protective (replaceable) clothing that should be washed after processing and rubber gloves. The Raid cylinder is under pressure; keep it away from heat and direct sunlight. Before treatment, shake the spray for 30 seconds so that the active ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous composition. Spray the product at arm's length from you, and at a distance of 20 - 25 cm from the surface to be treated. When processing, do not hold the jet for more than 2 seconds in one place to prevent drips from forming. Carry out the treatment with the windows open, after treatment, send the clothes to the wash, take a shower yourself and rinse your mouth. It is prohibited to eat or smoke during treatment. It is prohibited to treat minor children, pregnant and lactating women. In case of contact with skin, wash the area with soap and water; in case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with running water.

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