Destruction of all types of insects: bedbugs, cockroaches and others...

  1. Why do you need to kill insects?
  2. Why is exterminating insects difficult?
  3. The most unpleasant types of insects that need to be destroyed
  4. Requirements for insect repellents
  5. Modern insect repellents Modern insect repellents are divided into several groups:
  6. Preventive agents
  7. Biological agents
  8. Chemicals
  • Pest extermination methods
      Folk remedies
  • Home remedies
  • Professionals
  • Disinfection: what to pay attention to
  • Few people are comfortable living next to insect pests that are not averse to feasting on your crops, clothes, or even yourself. Therefore, people strive by all means to get rid of unwanted neighbors. Chemicals, technical and biological agents are just some of the methods.

    Ways to control domestic insects

    But how exactly and, most importantly, why fight harmful insects?

    Why do you need to kill insects?

    Those who have fully experienced all the delights of living together with pests will not ask such a question. Not only is it unpleasant when a cockroach crawls onto your table or a mosquito calmly drinks blood while sitting on your hand, insects also carry many dangerous infections.

    Pests enter the house from everywhere - on clothes, in bags, through ventilation or windows. They can also crawl into you from a neighboring apartment. If this happens, then you should agree with your neighbor on joint control measures.

    Fighting insects in the country

    How exactly the fight against insects is carried out at the dacha depends on where they live - in the house or on the plot. A separate category includes insects that parasitize plants, since special means, often systemic, are used to destroy them.

    How to get rid of insects in the countryside

    Extermination of insects in a country house

    In a country house you can find garden pests - ants, two-horned flies, flies, mosquitoes, bark beetles, lacewings and others, or parasites typical especially for indoors - cockroaches, bed bugs, fleas. Woodlice and silverfish can live in private houses, and wasps and hornets can make their own nests. When a pest is detected, first of all, it is important to understand whether these insects live in your house en masse or whether they came to you by accident, in a single copy. Single individuals can simply be thrown over the threshold or slammed. The fact that parasites are living and making nests in your home may be indicated by:

    • Frequent encounters with pests in the house
    • Finding several individuals at once in one place
    • Actual nest detection
    • Bites that appear constantly

    Depending on the type of parasite, secondary signs may also be present, for example, the sound of bark beetles
    , or the characteristic brown dirt from
    . When a pest is detected, try to determine who it is and then select a remedy taking this information into account.

    Insect repellents in the country

    For individual objects and areas in the house, for example, the perimeter of window frames, insecticides in the form of a spray or aerosol are most convenient:

    • Varan
    • Combat SuperSpray
    • Medilis-Superpower
    • Raptor 17 types of insects
    • Raid Lavender

    For certain types of insects, gel barrier agents and boxes with poisoned baits can be used. If you need to treat a single room or the entire house, it is more advisable to seek help from the SES.

    Helpful advice

    When dealing with insects in the home, preventative measures are extremely important. In parallel with any treatment method, it is important to seal all the cracks, install protective nets on windows and ventilation, place a garbage can with a closed lid, store food out of reach of pests and clean the house regularly.

    Destruction of garden and fruit pests

    Garden and fruit pests most often eat buds, fruit ovaries, roots or leaves of young plants that do not even have time to fully form. Yes, a colony of aphids

    can literally stick around the buds of bush roses and they won’t even open, and whiteflies, gall midges or leaf beetles will gladly destroy strawberries as soon as you plant them in the garden. In addition, it is insect pests that cause plant infection with various diseases, from fruit rot and scab to late blight and bacterial necrosis.

    How to get rid of aphids

    To protect plants from pests, you can use soil treatments, seed treatments or sprays during the growth period. If you need to treat one or two rose bushes, seedlings or a couple of trees, you can use products such as:

    • Spark
    • Aktara
    • Fitoverm
    • Storm
    • Biotlin

    There are dozens of garden pest control products on the market; choose the one that suits you specifically for your purpose, focusing on what pests you want to destroy and where exactly they live. If you have a large plot, there are a lot of parasites, they live on a large number of trees or shrubs, or you need to treat a greenhouse for pests, in order to completely solve the problem, you will need the help of sanitary service specialists.

    Extermination of insects on the site

    In addition to garden and vegetable pests, the site may contain parasites that directly threaten people and warm-blooded domestic animals - cats and dogs. Such pests either bite to drink blood or sting for the purpose of self-defense, although they themselves can intrusively hover around you. At almost every dacha you can find in varying quantities:

    • Komarov
    • Carnivorous midges
    • OS
    • Hornets
    • Ixodid ticks
    • Horseflies

    Some insects can be carriers of dangerous diseases (ticks, horseflies
    ), the bites of others cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock (wasps,
    ). Bites can be painful, itch for a long time, and become inflamed. It makes no sense to combat harmful insects locally, with the exception of treating water bodies from mosquito larvae and destroying hives, since pests live literally everywhere. The best control method depends on the type of insect you need to kill.

    • When fighting wasps and hornets, it is necessary to destroy their nests; doing this yourself is extremely dangerous.
    • Treatment of soil, ponds, wet basements and building foundations on the site helps against mosquitoes.
    • To kill midges, you need to treat the grass and soil.
    • To get rid of blood-sucking ticks, it is necessary to treat the soil and all vegetation at a height of up to 1.5 meters above the ground.

    Professional treatment using special equipment - high-power fog generators, allows you to qualitatively and evenly cover an area of ​​any size with preparations to kill pests and spend the summer at the dacha relaxing, and not waging an endless fight against insects without guaranteeing any result.

    Fog generator treatment

    Helpful advice

    The number of pests in the garden is directly affected by the level of grooming of the area. If you regularly mow your lawn and remove grass clippings, burn trimmed branches, and do not store construction waste and boards “just in case,” parasites will have much less places to live comfortably. In combination with professional treatment, these measures will bring lasting and tangible results.

    Why is exterminating insects difficult?

    That's how nature ordered it. Insects are very tenacious, they are far superior even to us humans in this regard.

    Here are some interesting facts about it:

    • Domestic bugs can survive in the harshest conditions, without food or even air;
    • Bedbugs reproduce very quickly, laying up to 5 eggs per day;
    • The number of ants in an anthill can reach several thousand;
    • If you tear off a cockroach's head, it will live without it for up to ten days;
    • Cockroaches can eat absolutely anything
    • If a cockroach has no food, it may not eat for a month.
    • And if there is no air, then do not breathe for 45 minutes;
    • Fleas cling their eggs to any surface;
    • A fly can lay up to a hundred eggs per hour, each of which also develops quickly.

    Ways to control domestic insects

    From all of the above, the importance of exterminating insects becomes clear. In addition, insects also mutate. By giving them too weak a dose of poison, they will survive it and subsequently acquire immunity not only from it, but also from analogues, which will make killing insects a much more difficult task.

    How is disinfestation performed?

    The procedure is carried out in the absence of people and animals in the premises. You can only be inside the rooms during the treatment process wearing a respirator. The exterminator works in a special suit, PPE, goggles and gloves.

    The employee pays special attention to places where insects gather, feed and migrate. Disinsection is carried out using the wet method. At the same time, the Geradez specialist treats surfaces - walls, cabinet shelves, countertops, baseboards, corners, upholstered furniture, sideboards, refrigerators.

    Pest control

    When disinsection, the type and habitat of insects is taken into account:

    • If there are moths in the apartment, special attention is paid to storage areas for cereals, clothing, and baked goods.
    • If there are bedbugs in the house, first of all the sleeping places, decorative ceiling and floor corners, sofas, and wooden products are treated.
    • When fleas are present in a home, the main areas for disinfestation are dog beds, basements, carpets, baseboards and other elements of the “lower zone” within 1 meter of the floor.
    • If there are cockroaches in the room, special attention is paid to kitchen cabinets, places for preparing and eating food, and storing papers.

    After the work is completed, customers are provided with a 12-month warranty. If insects appear during this period, additional disinsection is carried out free of charge.

    Requirements for insect repellents

    The times when insects were poisoned with substances that can poison a person himself are long gone. Nowadays, special insecticides must meet certain requirements, the main one of which is complete safety for people and their pets.

    A good product should not cause allergies, discomfort or headaches, and the best one should not even have an unpleasant odor.

    In addition, they should not cause damage to your things, such as sofas, armchairs, clothes, walls, etc.

    The product must have an international quality standard, but most importantly, it must effectively kill insects.

    Ways to control domestic insects

    Modern insect repellents

    Modern means are divided into several groups:

    • Preventative;
    • Biological;
    • Chemical;

    Preventive agents

    Such products are mainly used to eliminate problems from flying pests such as flies and mosquitoes. They don't allow them to get close to your body. This includes various ointments and sprays, mosquito nets and special clothing for beekeepers, as well as modern ultrasonic devices that emit a certain signal in this range.

    Biological agents

    Biological agents are used against domestic insects, such as cockroaches. The most common trap is based on infecting the caught individuals with a deadly disease, which is subsequently transmitted to others.


    They can also be called insecticides. Most of them poison insects with special chemicals that are distributed accordingly to the species against which they are intended. For example, if against flying insects, then it will be a spray or aerosol, and for cockroaches - powder or chalk.

    Ways to control domestic insects

    How to prepare for disinfestation in an apartment or house

    The procedure takes longer than the process of baiting insects. The effectiveness of disinfestation largely depends on the quality of preparation.

    A number of steps that will increase the efficiency of sanitation and save time during the procedure:

    1. Cleaning. Before disinfestation, it is necessary to remove debris, dirt and dust from surfaces - floors, baseboards, window sills, tables, cabinets.
    2. Providing access to window and door openings, ventilation systems, water supply, and places where insects accumulate. It is necessary to move the furniture away from the walls, remove (move away) objects that may interfere with the Geradez exterminator.
    3. Protection of provisions from harmful substances. To reduce the likelihood of people coming into contact with insecticides, it is advisable to put food, seasonings, salt, sugar, tea in the refrigerator or place it in an airtight container. After processing, the dishes in the cabinets will have to be washed.
    4. Animal protection. Before disinfestation, pets must be removed from the premises. The aquarium must be disconnected from the air intake and covered with a lid.
    5. Preparing the rooms. It is necessary to place toothbrushes, razors, children's toys, and other small items in plastic bags to prevent toxic compounds from getting on them. Bedding must be removed from the bed. Blankets, capes, covers, and sheets should be placed in impenetrable bags. If there are a large number of insects in the kitchen, you need to 100% empty the cabinets of dishes for treatment.
    6. Preparation of equipment. Electrical appliances and supply and exhaust ventilation must be disconnected from the network.

      Preparing for disinfestation

    General cleaning can only be carried out 30 days after disinfestation.

    Pest extermination methods

    Folk remedies

    If you do not have the opportunity to purchase products specially produced for this purpose, then ancient folk recipes can be an alternative.

    Although their effectiveness is small, they still help a little. Some of them no longer work - cockroaches, for example, have become accustomed to boric acid in potato balls, but mosquitoes are still repelled by the pungent smell. True, it may scare you away too...

    Home remedies

    They include all kinds of sprays, traps, crayons that can easily cope with many household pests. Some, of course, endure them more steadfastly than others, but it’s still better than nothing at all.

    But none of this has almost any effect on ticks and bedbugs, so if you have them, it’s easier to buy a new bed or call professional pest controllers for a lot of money.


    Nowadays, there are many people who have made insect extermination their profession. For a certain amount, you can hire such a person, and this will save you from unnecessary hassle. If, of course, you have this certain amount.

    Ways to control domestic insects

    Barrier method - how it works, what results it gives

    Firms providing pest control services in Moscow use different methods. For example, a cleaning service uses insecticide irrigation and a barrier method. In the first case, we are talking about spraying drugs with a cold fog generator. The technology is suitable for treating residential premises against insects, destroying not only adult parasites, but also offspring.

    Getting rid of insects using the barrier method

    This is the most effective method of disinsection, taking place in three stages:

    1. Treatment of the room using a cold fog generator.
    2. Application of a special barrier gel.
    3. Filling rooms with hot gas.

    Combined disinfestation gives excellent results - the treatment not only destroys insects in the room, but also protects the property from the invasion of cockroaches and bedbugs from neighbors.

    This is the method that specialists use. Treatment is carried out in residential, commercial and administrative buildings - apartments, houses, restaurants, hotels, educational and medical institutions, production sites, etc. After such disinsection, insects have no chance.

    Disinfection: what to pay attention to

    First you need to know the specific places where harmful insects live. Then you need to calculate the path of their movement.

    The main thing is to finish the job. There is no need to treat just a certain corner, because the insects will get used to it and acquire immunity in the future.

    Also look for places where insects lay larvae and destroy them. If you destroyed the adults, but forgot about the larvae, then soon they will crawl around your house again, as if nothing had happened.

    The more successful you are, the more dead insects there will be in your house!

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