Is Prestige really effective against the Colorado potato beetle?


  • Purpose and scope
  • Composition and dosage form
  • Mechanism and principle of operation
  • Processing regulations
  • Compatibility
  • Security and restrictions
  • Advantages of using "Prestige, KS"
  • Recommendations

System protectant "Prestige, KS" is one of the best for pre-planting treatment of planting material. This material contains the composition, purpose, mechanism of action, processing regulations, restrictions, compatibility, etc.


Anastasia: one treatment with Prestige per season was enough for my plants. He rid my garden of wireworms and Colorado potato beetles. However, no matter what they write about its safety, this drug is still toxic, and this should not be forgotten.

Zhenya: I treated the potato tubers before planting and had no problems with beetles. I have never sprayed anything! But when buying, be careful: there are a lot of fakes, so it’s better not to cheat, but to buy drugs from a trusted place.

Andrey: I’ve been using Prestige for three years now to treat tubers before planting. I can confidently say that this is the best drug of all designed to combat Colorado potato beetles and wireworms. They are not on my site.

Anton: the drug is effective, affordable, and safe if precautions are taken. Protects potatoes from beetles and wireworms for the entire season, and until the next season decomposes in the soil without a trace. However, Prestige did not stop the scab on potatoes.

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Official website and manufacturer's recommendations:

Purpose and scope

The main purpose is pre-planting treatment of potato tubers:

a) from diseases - rhizoctonia and common scab;

Examples of common potato diseases

b) from a wide range of pests - homoptera (Homoptera), beetles (Coleoptera), thrips (Thysanoptera), lepidoptera (Lepidoptera).

It shows good results against soil-dwelling pests, in particular from the larva of the click beetle - wireworm.

Prestige Assignment

The drug Prestige, which is produced by the German company Bayer CropScience, is an insecto-fungicidal disinfectant intended for pre-sowing treatment of seeds and tubers.

As an insecticide, it has a protective effect against lepidopteran and homoptera insects, destroying thrips, beetles, aphids, wireworms, psyllids, sawflies, mole crickets, beetles, darters, leafhoppers, cereal and grain midges.

The fungicidal properties of the drug protect plants from powdery mildew, leaf rust, mold, various types of rot, septoria, rhizoctonia, scab, blistering, stem and hard smut, as well as panicle smut. In addition, the drug Prestige promotes more intensive development and growth of the crop.

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Prestige treats vegetable seeds before sowing, potato tubers before planting, and the roots of seedlings, as well as the root system of fruit, vegetable and flower crops, are soaked in its solution before planting in the ground.

Composition and dosage form

Protectant "Prestige, KS" is a two-component pesticide, contains IMIDACLOPRID , dosage 140 g/l. and PENCICURON , dosage 150g/l.

Chemical class - neonicotinoids + other substances.

The dosage form is suspension concentrate (CS). Packaged for agricultural production in 1 liter bottles. and 5 liter canisters, for the needs of private household plots in 20 ml dispensers. and bottles of 60 ml. and 150ml.

The registrant and manufacturer is German (Bayer CropScience AG). The drug is approved for use in the Russian Federation until September 17, 2029 (registration No. 019-01-2400-1).

Safety regulations

The drug Prestige is used for processing potatoes according to the instructions. Before agricultural work, carefully study the rules for spending funds. To avoid poisoning, use:

  • respirator or gauze bandage;
  • protective clothing;
  • tight mittens.

If chem. If the product gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, they should be immediately rinsed with clean water until the discomfort disappears. If a toxic substance enters the stomach, it can be harmful. To save a person from a pesticide, it is necessary to rinse. Absorbent medications are used (activated carbon, Polysorb), after which they turn to a medical institution for help.

Sources: -zhuka-prestizhitator/
Article on the topic: Corado remedy for potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle

Mechanism and principle of operation

“Prestige, KS” is a contact-intestinal pesticide by the method of penetration, and a protective pesticide by the nature of its action.

The principle of protective action is illustrated by the following slide.

The principle of protective action against pests of the disinfectant "Prestige, KS"

The mechanism of action of the drug is as follows:

a) Firstly, when protecting against insect pests, imidacloprid, entering the insect’s body, blocks the transmission of nerve impulses at the level of the postsynaptic membrane receptor.

The period of protective action against pests is regulated to 40-60 days after emergence.

It is important that it is characterized by high initial activity against pests. The first results are observed within a few hours after application.

b) Secondly, when protecting against potato diseases , pencicuron penetrates the plant cuticle and inhibits the germination of mycelium, affects the functional state of the cell and nucleus, inhibits the biosynthesis of sterol and free fatty acids inside the fungus, and significantly reduces the content of transport forms of glucose. This significantly helps to curb the development of plant diseases.

The period of protective action of the drug against rhizoctonia and potato scab is established throughout the entire growing season.

The drug "Prestige, KS" has an anti-stress effect, which increases the yield and quality of potatoes. The following slide illustrates these characteristics.

Anti-stress effect of the drug "Prestige, KS"


How does Prestige work when it gets into plants?

The principle of action of the drug Prestige is such that the product spreads only in the vertical direction throughout the plants, coming from the tubers to the tops,

protecting seed material and shoots from Colorado potato beetles and other harmful insects.

Testing the effectiveness of the drug Prestige - video

Therefore, you don’t have to worry that the fungicide will end up in the young harvest. It is noted that after about 50 days the product is no longer contained in planted potatoes.

Prestige is a contact fungicide; it spreads to planting material and the surrounding soil. Plants are protected from Colorado potato beetles for almost 2 months from the date of treatment.

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Processing regulations

Purpose of processingDosageConsumption rateProcessing Features
a) Potato diseases - rhizoctonia, common scab, etc. b) Potato pests - wireworms, Colorado potato beetles, aphids (as carriers of viruses)70–100 ml./1 l. water 1 l. working solution/100 kg. planting tubers Spraying tubers before and during planting. One-time treatment is enough

Instructions for use of the drug Prestige

Before processing potatoes, you must first prepare a working solution. According to the instructions for use of “Prestige”, the CS (concentrated suspension) should be diluted with water 1 to 10. Uniform spraying of the tubers should be carried out before planting.

Detailed instructions for using “Prestige” for the Colorado potato beetle:

  1. Spread thick film over the area.
  2. Pour warmed potato tubers onto it.
  3. Prepare a working solution of 10 ml of concentrate per 100 ml of water, which is enough to process 10 kg of potato tubers.
  4. Pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle.
  5. Process the tubers evenly and mix thoroughly.
  6. After the product has dried, plant.

The drug "Prestige" is intended for one-time use at the beginning of the plant growing season. The minimum waiting period is 35 days.

To protect seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, strawberries and onion crops, add a solution of 200 ml to each hole when planting, dissolving 2 ml of concentrate in 1 bucket of water.

To treat seeds, it is recommended to carry out pre-sowing soaking in the prepared product in a ratio of 10 ml per 100 g of planting material.

Processing potatoes with Prestige before planting

To protect shrubs and trees from soil pests and pathogens of fungal diseases, it is recommended to add 10 liters of working solution prepared in the proportion of 2 ml per bucket of water into the planting hole, which corresponds to the instructions for using the “Prestige” poison.

To protect perennial crops from harmful soil pests, at the beginning of the growing season, it is necessary to water with 10 liters of working liquid per 10 meters of area, diluting 2 ml of concentrate per bucket of water.

Process onions and garlic when planting in the ground, like potatoes. Spraying is carried out with a working liquid prepared in a ratio of 10 ml of concentrate per bucket of water.

To protect root crops from soil pests, it is worth watering the plants at the initial stage of growth. The solution consumption (2 ml per 10 liters of water) is 10 liters per 10 sq. m.

To preserve melon crops from aphids, whiteflies, and other types of sucking insects, it is necessary to add 200 ml of working liquid to each hole during planting or water after germination of plants. Dosage – 2 ml of concentrated suspension per bucket of water.

The active substances of the drug do not participate in photosynthesis, so they do not pass from the shoots to the flowers and fruits of the plant. In addition, chemical components do not accumulate in the soil and in the roots of the treated crop. The protective fungicidal effect lasts for 40 days, and the insecticidal effect lasts for 50 days.

The detailed instructions for using “Prestige Ultra” in syringes indicate that this form of release is intended for use on private plots. The drug is recommended for the treatment of potatoes, tomato seedlings, cabbage, carrots. Spraying tubers should be carried out at the rate of 6 ml per 0.25 l of water, and soaking the root system - 6 ml per 0.7 l of water.

Preparation of Prestige Ultra solution

If you follow the recommendations specified by the manufacturer in the instructions for the Prestige insecticide, the shelf life of the product is 3 years, provided that the integrity of the bottle is maintained.

When soaking and spraying planting material, you should protect yourself, since this drug has a toxicity class of 3. The working solution must be prepared immediately before use, and only in the amount required, since it cannot be stored further.

Advantages of using "Prestige, KS"

  1. Two solutions in one composition – treatment against diseases and against pests.
  2. The drug has an anti-stress effect and increases the resistance of potatoes to adverse environmental factors.
  3. The use of the prestige, KS disinfectant significantly increases germination and enhances photosynthesis processes, which leads to an increase in the vegetative mass of potatoes and improved yield indicators.
  4. The low toxicity of the drug ensures minimal impact on the environment.
  5. It has high selectivity (selectivity) for the objects being processed.
  6. Long period of protection and high speed of initial impact.

Mechanism of action and advantages of using “Prestige, KS”

What to do if Prestige did not help

It happens that while working with the drug, the gardener makes mistakes. For example, dressing was carried out a month or more before the expected planting date. Or the treatment was incomplete, some of the tubers did not receive the required amount of solution. Another common mistake is not following the dosage. In this case, Prestige may not help.

Even if the product did not cope with the task, and the Colorado potato beetle or other misfortunes appeared, repeated treatment is prohibited. It is not recommended to use the drug on adult bushes. The reason is that toxins will not have time to decompose into safe components. Even though the poison does not get into young tubers, potatoes sprayed during growth should not be consumed.

Experienced gardeners advise spraying potatoes on which the Colorado potato beetle has appeared with another chemical that has insecticidal properties. But you cannot use industrial products that contain components included in Prestige. Specifically, Imidacloprid. Among the products that include this insecticide are the following:

Products without the substance Imidacloprid are suitable for spraying potatoes. Such drugs include:

Prestige for potatoes is a recognized effective means of protecting the crop from pests and diseases. According to reviews, it prevents the appearance of the Colorado potato beetle well, while increasing the immunity of the plant, which better withstands adverse weather conditions. Despite the fact that this is a chemical, it does not have a negative effect on the soil and plants. It is completely neutralized 2 months after etching has been carried out. But when working with the drug, safety precautions must be observed.

Providing precautions

The drug, which belongs to the third class of toxicity, does not pose a danger to animals, birds, or humans. But despite this, working with chemicals requires caution and following instructions.

It is worth noting that poisoning is possible only if the dosage of the active substance is significantly exceeded, as well as if it enters the body.

You must follow the following safety rules:

  • When processing tubers and plants, you need to provide yourself with protective clothing, a mask and gloves;
  • After spraying, you need to wash special protective clothing, take a shower and thoroughly wash your face and hands with soap. It is also necessary to rinse your mouth and nose with clean water;
  • You need to lay out the potatoes on a film or dense material, and then transport them in bags.
  • After soaking, the seedlings require placement in bags/boxes, with roots facing down, then immediately planting.
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