TARAN remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches in the apartment

In today’s article we will tell you how to fight bedbugs using the drug “Taran”. You may have already heard about it, but you doubted whether it was worth buying a Bedbug Ram and treating the room with this chemical. Moreover, the choice of chemicals in this category on the market is huge. Going through each one for testing is expensive and dangerous to health, and you want to immediately buy the working substance.

Some people, on the contrary, put off solving the problem of parasites or treat the house with the first available remedy. And in vain - bedbugs are dangerous and difficult to remove if the process is carried out incorrectly. Remember - these small insects can cause a lot of harm to humans because they feed on blood. Residents will suffer from bites and itching, and the youngest members of the family may develop allergies. In addition, they are potential carriers of infections. Therefore, you need to fight parasites immediately – as soon as you notice the first signs of their appearance. Taran will help you with this - a remedy for bedbugs, which we will tell you about later.

Safety of "Taran" and effectiveness of impact

The classifier of low and moderate danger of substances classifies the insect repellent “Taran” into the third class in terms of its effect on the digestive system and in the fourth class in terms of its effect on the skin.
For comparison, the hazard class of ordinary table salt is third. Contact of working concentration “Taran” vapors on mucous membranes can lead to nasal congestion and redness of the eyes. Contact of the drug with skin does not cause any harmful effects on the human body. The product is safe for plants and pets.


When performing surface treatment with Taran, you should use a respirator.

The insecticidal agent “Taran” against bedbugs and insects copes with pests, relying on two methods of action:

  • contact – getting on the insect’s body cover;
  • intestinal - getting inside the insect's body.

Achieving the maximum effect of the drug is extended for up to two months, leading to the complete destruction of both adult insects and hatched larvae of cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, ticks and other pests.

The insect control product “Taran”, which has been tested and tested in various federal departments, has proven its effectiveness. Thus, the main substance of the drug, zetacypermethrin, according to research results, is superior to the main similar drugs:

  • cypermethrin – five times;
  • permethrin – ten times;
  • diazinon – twelve times;
  • fenthion - ten times.

Such “killer” properties of the product against cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, ticks, mosquitoes and other pests “Taran” allow it to find the widest use both among ordinary citizens and in specialized services. This exterminator is in service with every third Russian pest control enterprise.

The active ingredient of Taran and its effect on bedbugs

The composition of the drug Taran contains only one insecticide - zeta-cypermethrin (10%), a representative of the pyrethroid class.

Zeta-cypermethrin (a powerful modern synthetic insecticide)

It would seem that the composition is not rich, especially when compared with combined insecticidal preparations containing 2-3 insecticidal components at the same time. However, in laboratory tests, zeta-cypermethrin is 2.5 times more effective than cypermethrin, commonly used in insect repellents . In addition, insects do not develop resistance to zeta-cypermethrin, and therefore there is no point in making a drug with many insecticides.

On a note

Manufacturers of combined insect control products emphasize that if insects are resistant to any insecticide in the product, then the likelihood of resistance to 2-3 insecticides at once is practically zero.

See also our experiments on bedbugs:

We catch bedbugs and test different products against them - see the results...

  • We test the effect of Hector powder on bedbugs in two options: simple treatment and preparation of traps. See the results of the experiment.
    Experiment on bedbugs: at what temperature do they die and how it can be used in practice

    We put the bedbugs in a container that was treated with the Executioner product a week ago - we’ll see if the parasites are poisoned by the long-dried product...

  • We tested the Get Express product on bedbugs - let's see what came out of it...

    Experiment on bedbugs: The executioner killed them in 8 minutes

    We check the residual effect of the Executioner on bedbugs (how quickly they are poisoned upon contact with a previously treated but already dried surface)

  • Proven methods of killing bedbugs that have shown to be highly effective

Like other pyrethroids, zeta-cypermethrin disrupts the sodium-potassium pump in the membranes of insect nerve cells, which leads to the continuous generation of nerve impulses. For a bug, this means rapidly increasing tension in all muscles and paralysis, which, depending on the amount of insecticide that has entered the body, leads to the death of the insect in a period of several minutes to several hours.

Zeta-cypermethrin causes paralysis in bedbugs, after which the parasite quickly dies.

Similar to other pyrethroids, zeta-cypermethrin, in addition to the acute intestinal effect, also has a contact effect, which is extremely important for baiting domestic bedbugs. These parasites are incapable of eating anything other than blood, and therefore it is impossible to force them to eat any poisoned bait (as is easy to do with cockroaches). Therefore, the main requirement for an insecticide against these parasites is the ability to effectively penetrate the insect’s body through the chitinous integument and through the spiracles after contact with the body surface. Zeta-cypermethrin copes with this task perfectly.

It is also useful to read: Cucaracha remedy for bedbugs and reviews of its use

And one more thing: The Raptor aquafumigator is a non-standard contraption that gets bedbugs in all crevices, penetrating there in the form of poisonous steam

As auxiliary components, Taran contains an emulsifier, defoamer and antifreeze. Despite the absence of fragrance, the drug practically does not create an unpleasant odor in the room during processing.

A nest of bedbugs in disassembled furniture.


“We’ve been fighting bedbugs for about a year now. At one time we were completely over-eating and it was impossible to sleep. And nothing helps! And they bought some new Dichlorvos, and they sprayed it with Combat, and they smeared it on Mashenka, but it was of no use. We bought the ram on the Internet, it was our last hope. And it helped for two months! We literally sprayed every centimeter with it, we used 100 ml for the apartment. For two months afterwards we couldn’t be happier. And then they appeared again from somewhere. I understand that they are creeping from the drunken neighbors...”

Oleg, Moscow

Description of the drug, composition

Taran against ticks is a concentrated emulsion with a specific odor. When combined with liquid it becomes milky in color. The concentrate is dissolved in water at room temperature according to the instructions. Use within 8 hours. Manufacturer: domestic company Rosagroservice. Shelf life – 2 years from the date of manufacture.

The active substance of Taran is zetacypermethrin. Additional components: emulsifiers, antifreeze, antifoaming agents, etc. Zetacypermethrin has a contact-intestinal effect, affects the nervous system of insects, and kills in a few minutes. The tick enters the body upon contact with a treated surface.

The maximum property lasts 2 hours. Efficiency gradually decreases under the influence of sunlight, moisture, and temperature. The protective effect of disinfesting an area against ticks lasts about 60 days, on clothing – 8 hours. Significant differences are associated with the concentration of the drug during the preparation of the solution.


Zetacypermethrin is a toxic chemical that causes side effects if used incorrectly. Disinsection requires strict adherence to personal safety rules.

Composition of the remedy for bedbugs Taran

One bottle contains 50 ml of the active agent, the drug is available in one package. The price currently ranges from 1000 to 1500 rubles per piece.

Bedbug Taran contains the strongest active ingredient zetacypermethrin in ten percent proportion. Since the concentration of poison from bedbugs is quite high, within a few hours after its spraying, adult bedbugs will be destroyed, and the same will happen to their larvae and eggs.

Since the composition of the anti-insecticidal agent is based on ordinary distilled water, its level of danger is considered not as high in comparison with other similar drugs. It is also worth saying that after using the Taran emulsion, there will be no specific smell left in the apartment. This is explained by the fact that the drug contains the substance zetacypermethrin, which does not have a strong aroma.

Preparation of the solution

The concentrate is diluted in cold water, stirred thoroughly for 5 minutes. Pour into a household spray bottle or spray bottle, depending on the method of use. To treat an area, 5 ml of Taran is required per 1 liter of water. To spray clothes, tents, bags, backpacks, the concentration per 1 liter of water is 1 g of the drug.

Treating the area against ticks

On a note!

It is recommended to use the prepared solution immediately, but use within 8 hours is allowed. In the future, the product loses its properties and effectiveness decreases. The container in which the toxic agent was prepared is washed with a soap and soda solution.

Methods of application and preparation of the drug solution

The use of insect repellent “Taran” occurs using aqueous emulsions that have a milky color and a concentration of 0.005-0.125 percent of the active substance.

The preparation of the working composition must be done before its use. The product concentrate is diluted with water - filtered or tap water - by constant and uniform stirring for five minutes. The finished emulsion must be used no later than after 8 hours.

The working composition is applied using any spray equipment.


The main condition for proper use of the product is uniform coverage of all surfaces requiring treatment.

The following table shows the calculation of the amount of product for preparing the working composition depending on the type of insect.

Insect typeAmount of product per 1 liter of water, gConcentration by DV, %Concentration of the working composition according to the form of the drug, %
Adult mosquitoes1,250,01250,125
Mosquito larvae0,50,0050,05
Adult flies2,50,0250,25
Fly larvae50,050,5

Instructions for use

Before disinfestation, it is necessary to carry out preparatory procedures - mow the grass, clear the area of ​​last year's leaves and fallen twigs. Wear a protective suit, rubber gloves, and a respirator. The consumption of the finished poison depends on the density of the grass in the area. On average 1 liter per 1 hectare of land.

  1. The area is sprayed 5 hours before people appear. This treatment method is often used to kill ticks in recreation areas. During the disinfestation process, there should be no animals or other people on the site. Thorough spraying is carried out at a distance of 20 cm from the surface of the grass. Shrubs are treated against ticks at a height of 50 cm from the ground. Pests do not rise higher.
  2. Taran anti-tick remedy for treating clothes, tents, bags, and backpacks is not used so often because it has a pungent aroma. Used for effective protection against ticks and other bloodsuckers in nature. Things are processed outdoors, hanging on a clothesline. Can be used for its intended purpose after drying. The protection lasts for a maximum of 8 hours; if necessary, reapply, but no more than 2 times a day.

Disinfestant for clothing and tents


The drug Taran against ticks is not used to treat open areas of skin. If it comes into contact with the epidermis, it causes irritation and an allergic reaction in sensitive people.

special instructions

In order for the tick repellent to work as effectively as possible and not cause side effects, you must adhere to the following rules.

  • It is prohibited to use the drug without personal protective equipment. Immediately after work, wash your hands with soap, throw your clothes in the wash, and take a shower.
  • In case of accidental contact with the skin, eyes, rinse immediately with running water, into the stomach, respiratory tract - drink activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight or another sorbent. If you experience nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, seek help from a specialist.
  • Pregnant, lactating, young people under 18 years of age, patients with asthma, tuberculosis, and allergy sufferers should not use the drug or carry out disinfestation.
  • It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the morning or evening in dry, windless weather. If it rains within 2 hours after spraying the area, you will have to repeat the treatment after 1-2 days.

Protective equipment when working with Ram

After disinsection, a large number of ticks die in the first 2 hours, the protection remains valid for another 60 days. The drug destroys larvae, nymphs of different ages, adults.

Precautions when working with pest control

Taran is a chemical substance and therefore should be handled with caution. Although it is a moderately hazardous substance, you should not allow it to come into contact with the skin, mucous membranes, or lungs. Therefore, when dealing with chemical destruction, wear a respirator, gloves and closed clothing.

If you purchased a battering ram for bedbugs, the use of which requires precautions, remember what to do in case of contact with it. So, if it gets on your skin, wash it with soap. Rinse your eyes with water. If the medicine gets into your stomach, immediately induce vomiting and drink activated charcoal (10-15 tablets) - and be sure to call a doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

The Taran anti-cockroach remedy, reviews of which confirm its powerful destructive effect, has a number of advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • low toxicity, safety class 4 for skin effects, intestinal impact class 3;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • ease of use;
  • effective destruction of insects;
  • long-term effect of the product, which eliminates the need for re-treatment;
  • no stains after disinsection.

The only disadvantage of the drug is that it cannot be purchased at an ordinary household chemical store.

Characteristics of the “Taran” product

“Taran” is designed specifically for cleaning living spaces from various types of household pests. Its effectiveness has been confirmed by numerous experimental studies and reviews from consumers who have used this product. According to him, it can replace a dozen similar products combined - it can eliminate any insect - from cockroaches and bedbugs to Colorado potato beetles in the country.

This drug contains zeta-cypermethrin, which is dangerous for any insects. “Taran” is an emulsion that does not have a toxic or pungent odor, which allows it to be used regularly in closed areas.

Alexander I. Disinfestation expert

The action of the active components occurs as follows: zeta-cypermethrin blocks nerve impulses in all organs of the insect - this paralyzes it, and, subsequently, leads to death. “Taran” is absolutely safe for pets and plants, as it is intended exclusively for the destruction of insects.

The advantages of this product include:

  • Efficiency and practicality.
  • No unpleasant odor.
  • Can be used regularly, since insects do not develop immunity.


“We first encountered the problem of bed bugs several years ago - as it turned out, they came to us from our neighbors. We tried everything we could to fight the parasites - they, of course, stopped biting us for a while, but after a week they appeared again. And so friends advised us to use the new “Taran” product. And, you know, it really helped: not a trace of the bedbugs remained! We are very pleased!”, Semenov family, Syzran

Precautionary rules

The first thing to do is to isolate children and pets from the area that will be treated. The following is a list of rules to follow:

  1. Before you start diluting the drug, take care of personal protective equipment. You will need latex gloves, a protective face mask and glasses that can protect against accidental contact of the product with the skin or mucous membranes;
  2. For ease of use, it is better to use a spray bottle to be able to reach hard-to-reach places.
  3. Maintain a distance while spraying, it is recommended to measure about 20 centimeters, so the integrity of the surfaces will not be compromised;
  4. Typically, about 50 ml is needed per square meter, but the amount can increase to 100 ml if surfaces with high moisture absorption rates are to be treated;
  5. After spraying, the room must be ventilated so that no toxic substances remain. This will require at least 2 hours.
  6. The next step is wet cleaning. For better cleaning, it is recommended to use baking soda or any detergent.

It is worth saying that the remedy for bedbugs Taran has a prolonged effect. The residual effect lasts up to one month. This is extremely important, since not only adult individuals will be destroyed, but also larvae that were not hatched at the time of treatment. If you believe the reviews, then this is really true.

What is the consumption of the drug Taran

As mentioned earlier, the consumption of insecticide will depend on which surface will be treated. One of the advantages of the described product is its economical consumption and the absence of the need for re-processing, as well as a convenient nozzle for air spraying Tarana.

The table shows the average consumption of Taran emulsion depending on the area of ​​the apartment:

Room typeVolume mlAverage bottle price
Apartment with a room501000
2 rooms1001200
3 rooms2001500
4 rooms2501700
5 rooms3001900

Pros and cons of the product

Like all insecticides, Taran has a number of advantages and several disadvantages. Both of these aspects indicate the need for a professional approach to the destruction of bedbugs. Specialists will take into account all the key features and follow the instructions for working with poison.


  1. Economical;
  2. Acaricide (affects ticks);
  3. Highly active against most insects;
  4. Without smell;
  5. Optimal price/consumption ratio;
  6. Does not cause addiction to bedbugs;
  7. High percentage of efficiency up to 98%;
  8. Approved for use in residential premises;
  9. Ram can be freely combined with other poisons.


  • Requires dilution first in a small container;
  • Special approach to processing;
  • Leaving the residents' home;
  • Spending time and effort on cleaning.

The anti-insect ram will help provide yourself and your loved ones with a calm, comfortable life without bed bugs, but experts do not advise immediately starting with independent treatment. It is completely in vain that many people think that they can cope on their own. Not everyone is able to strictly adhere to the instructions, as evidenced by reviews of the use of the drug.

How to use it correctly

The product is sold in the form of a concentrated liquid, which must be used to prepare a solution. The drug is accompanied by instructions for use, which provide information regarding the proportion for preparing the solution for each type of insect. Changing the proportions yourself is prohibited. To kill cockroaches, use the following proportions: 5 ml should be used per liter of water. facilities.

Remember that you will be working with a toxic chemical, so the use of protective equipment is required. All safety measures must be observed so as not to harm the health of people and animals living in the apartment.

At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare the premises. You always need to take into account the degree of contamination of the room. If the infection is severe, a full treatment of the entire room will be required; if the infection is minor, you can apply the product in the kitchen, toilet and bathroom.


  • Move the furniture away from the walls so that you can treat the baseboards and back walls of the furniture.
  • Hide all food products in sealed bags and containers.
  • Remove all dishes, kitchen utensils, towels and personal hygiene products.
  • Next, sweep, remove cobwebs and dust, and wet clean.


The preparation of the solution, as well as the treatment itself, is carried out using protective equipment. It is necessary to wear protective overalls, you can use pants and a long-sleeved jacket. Choose shoes that can be easily washed off with water after the procedure. Rubber gloves, safety glasses and a respirator are also used. The substance must not be allowed to come into contact with the skin, mucous membranes or respiratory tract. When the solution is prepared, it is poured into a spray bottle.

It is necessary to apply the substance to those surfaces where the Prussians have been seen, as well as to those places where they are most likely to appear. Treat baseboards around the entire perimeter, the back and bottom of cabinets, behind the refrigerator, radiator; be sure to treat pipes, the bottom of the sink, and washbasin. In the bathroom and toilet we apply the substance to corners, pipes, and ventilation holes.

After the procedure, you need to remove protective equipment, change clothes, wash your hands with soap, and wash your face. The room must be left for at least 2 hours, with the windows closed.

Upon returning to the apartment, it is necessary to ventilate it well, it is better to create a draft. Next, prepare a soap solution and treat absolutely all surfaces with which a person comes into contact. It is especially important to pay attention to cleaning when children and animals live in the apartment. Contact with the drug may cause serious consequences. The pesticide remains only in hard-to-reach places.

Preventive actions

After the procedure, it is imperative to pay maximum attention to preventive actions, as this will protect against the appearance of new pests. Carry out wet cleaning more often, wash dishes after each preparation and meal. Keep the table and work surfaces clean and remove crumbs. Do not leave food on surfaces. Take out the trash daily and wash the trash can. After washing dishes, wipe the sink dry. Eliminate water leaks and seal all cracks. Use preventive measures, you can turn to traditional methods.

Reviews about the use of Taran

Due to life circumstances, I had to move into rented housing. Even during the initial inspection, my eyes were caught by cockroaches scurrying around everywhere, and they were not even bothered by the presence of people, and they scurried briskly around the kitchen tables. Not wanting to put up with such a neighborhood, she began to look for an effective remedy against the Prussians. I came across an unobtrusive advertisement for Taran on the Internet and decided to opt for it. On the first day after the persecution, mountains of corpses were everywhere, in the following days the number of “dead people” decreased, and after 2 weeks the cockroaches stopped bothering us altogether.

Anna, Kyiv

The Taran product was purchased with a friend's contribution. Our apartments are small and one bottle was enough for the two of us. The effect was different. My friend’s entire floor was covered with corpses. They were very rare in my apartment. Maybe the number of cockroaches we had was different.

Olga Pavlovna, Uzhgorod

I purchased Taran by accident. At work, colleagues were putting together a company to purchase a wholesale batch. This makes the price of one bottle cheaper. I carefully studied the instructions on how to use the product. I didn't like that I had to spray it. I don’t have such equipment, and you can’t process much with a laundry sprayer.

Inna Valerievna, Kharkov

I recently read an article that a cockroach can get into your ear. Imbued with the horror of the situation, I began to look for a reliable drug to kill insects. I wanted to destroy everyone who was not even visible. The Taran product fully met my requirements, so I ordered it. The courier delivered the insecticide the next day. I immediately started weeding out the pests. I did everything according to the instructions and went for a walk. When I returned, I began to find many dead individuals on the floor, and not only cockroaches. Now I can sleep peacefully without worrying about my ear.

Angelina, Odessa


When our apartment was literally filled with bedbugs, many poisons were tried. And one day, on the Internet, my husband and I came across a special remedy under the formidable name Taran, but we didn’t dare try it ourselves. There are too many rules in the instructions, and you have to buy special clothing, which is an extra expense.

As a result, they called our SES service and were very pleased with the work done. We would not have been able to cope with such a scope of work, but they did a great job of carrying out everything in a coordinated manner using special equipment and various mixtures. They'll come back in 3 weeks to do the re-processing.

I see many people here write about unsuccessful attempts. The reason, most likely, is that people often use professional tools incorrectly and try to do everything on their own. But we are convinced that everyone should mind their own business.

Review 1. Yana, Moscow

It’s simply unbearable to dilute the solution and destroy bedbugs yourself. Whether with balloons or without them, you crawl on all fours for three hours, then you don’t know how to get up and there are stars before your eyes. You can’t argue with age; pensioners can’t handle bullying on their own. Not everyone can afford to buy and wear special clothing, as well as spend extra free time on baiting insects. Therefore, without hesitation, I decided to turn to qualified specialists. Very pleased, everything was processed quickly and efficiently.

Review 2. Elena, Ekaterinburg

Rules for using the product

According to the instructions, to kill bedbugs, the concentrated emulsion from the bottle must be diluted with water in a ratio of 2.5 ml of Taran per 1 liter of water. However, experienced exterminators recommend slightly increasing the concentration compared to what is officially declared. In particular, there is an opinion that when fighting bedbugs, the optimal dilution would be 3-5 ml of concentrate per 1 liter of water.

Here is an excerpt from the official instructions:

Options for diluting Taran when exterminating various insects (table taken from the official instructions for the drug).

The bottle contains 50 ml of concentrate - thus, this amount should be enough to prepare 10-16 liters of working solution. Ordinary tap water is suitable for dissolution. The drug is simply poured into it and thoroughly mixed for several minutes until a homogeneous milky solution is obtained.

Before treating an apartment against bedbugs with Taran, a number of preparatory measures should be carried out:

  1. Remove people and pets from the premises;
  2. If you have aquariums and terrariums, cover them with plastic bags;
  3. Move furniture away from the walls;
  4. Remove pillows and mattresses from beds and sofas;
  5. Hang bed linen on a closed loggia or inside the rooms;
  6. Pack food, dishes and clothes in bags (if it is not possible to take them out of the room).

If a room is heavily infested with bedbugs, it must first be prepared for treatment with an insecticidal agent.

After this, the prepared Taran solution is poured into any spray device. To do this, you can use household sprayers, garden sprayers, or electric aerosol generators. It is important to remember that the less productive the sprayer, the longer the treatment will be and the more effort it will require.

With a simple manual “sprayer” (for spraying flowers), you will have to crawl almost on your knees throughout the entire room, spraying every square centimeter, while even with a relatively inexpensive garden sprayer you can significantly simplify and speed up the processing process.


“It’s very difficult to use all these tools. Whether in the cylinders or without them, you crawl on your hands and knees for three hours, then you get up and your eyes go dark... No matter how powerful the remedy is, you can’t poison it like that when you’re old. The last time I tried poisoning with Dichlorvos, it seemed to help, but the neighbors still get bedbugs. Now I feel like I’ll have to process it again (the last time I did it was 8 months ago), but I can’t stand this kind of work myself. Either I need to call the service, or I’m thinking about buying a smoke bomb...”

Polina G., Salavat

When treating a room against bedbugs, the ram is applied to:

  1. A bed emptied of mattresses;
  2. Sofas and armchairs (on all sides);
  3. The mattresses themselves, and they will have to be turned over several times in order to carefully process all the seams on different sides;
  4. Skirting boards and gaps between them and walls;
  5. Places where wallpaper peels off from walls;
  6. Around the ventilation grilles;
  7. Gaps in the walls;
  8. Bedside tables and wardrobes both outside and inside. Their back walls and bottom are carefully processed;
  9. The back of the paintings;
  10. Carpets on both sides.

Keep in mind that bedbugs can hide in bedding, carpets and clothing.

To treat surfaces that do not absorb liquid (tiles, varnished wood, parquet, plastic), 50 ml of working solution per m2 is required. For treating fabrics, carpets, upholstered furniture and other highly absorbent surfaces - 100 ml of working solution per m2.

Clothing and linen should be washed at the maximum permissible temperature.

After treating all surfaces, you should leave the room and close it. After 24 hours, you can return, ventilate the apartment and carry out a thorough wet cleaning. After this, all residents can return to the premises.

On a note

It is not recommended to immediately wash those treated surfaces that children and pets will not touch in the future: for example, the inner frame of beds and sofas, the back walls of cabinets and bedside tables. The ram has a pronounced prolonged effect (up to 8 weeks), and surviving bedbugs, as well as larvae emerging from eggs, will be destroyed by these residues of the drug within a few days.

It should be borne in mind that the battering ram does not affect bedbug eggs. Therefore, if the room is heavily infested, repeated treatment is highly likely to be required - it must be carried out 2 weeks after the first, when most of the larvae from the eggs have already hatched, but have not yet reached sexual maturity.

It is also useful to read: Sprays and aerosols for bedbugs: which product is better?

And one more thing: We caught bedbugs and tested the effect of GEKTOR powder on them - it turned out to be quite a lethal thing...

The ram does not affect bedbug eggs, so if the room is heavily infested with parasites, it would be advisable to repeat the treatment a couple of weeks after the first.

What to remember

  1. Taran is an effective remedy for bedbugs that leaves no odor or traces behind; the chemical hazard category is medium.
  2. You can enter the house after spraying after 2 hours.
  3. The drug not only acts instantly - on insects that have already bred - but also retains the effect for up to 8 weeks, killing the hatching “newcomers” from the clutch of eggs.
  4. Be sure to use the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  5. Wear covered clothing, gloves, and a respirator before handling your home.
  6. In case of contact with skin or eyes, rinse the area with water. If it gets into the stomach, induce vomiting, take activated charcoal and call a doctor.

How to properly treat a room with this drug

Each remedy will lose its effect if used incorrectly. Therefore, the instructions for using “Taran” against bedbugs should be carefully studied. This drug is used to combat bedbugs and other parasites. And each of them has its own dosage, which must be observed without fail. On average, to combat bedbugs, add 2.5-5 ml per 1 liter of water.

Where to spray? – In this case, they do not treat all surfaces in the house; it is enough to walk through the places where bedbugs are found. This is the space under and behind furniture, behind baseboards, in corners and other secluded places where regular cleaning is rarely carried out.

Before carrying out the procedure, remove people and animals from there and remove indoor plants. After treatment, ventilate the house for 1.5-2 hours, and only then can you come back.


The high efficiency of Taran and the strict requirements for use are confirmed by numerous reviews from customers who fought bedbugs in their apartment. According to statistics, about 87% of them try to order pest control exclusively from the SES. The specialists of such companies, endowed with specific powers and knowledge, will competently prepare the composition of the required consistency, and disinfestation of all areas of localization of bloodsuckers will be done.


  • https://felisov.ru/kleshchi/taran-ot-klopov.html
  • https://apest.ru/kleshhi/sredstva-ot-kleshhej/taran-ot-kleshchej/
  • https://otravin.ru/klopy/taran-ot-klopov.html
  • https://www.fabbers.com.ua/tarakany/sredstva-ot-tarakanov/sredstvo-taran-ot-tarakanov/
  • https://tarakan-klop.ru/taran-ot-klopov
  • https://KlopVred.ru/tarakany/taran-ot-tarakanov/
  • https://netzhukam.ru/klopy/sredstva-ot-klopov/taran-ot-klopov.html


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